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Market depth

Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) execution

Written by Joshua Raymond
Updated over 2 months ago

All trades are executed at Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP), which is a standard practice for markets exchange.

It means that if your single transaction size is very big (above normal market size), the price at which the trade will be executed might be slightly worse than the price you see for smaller transactions.

In the xStation platform, we automatically recalculate the Sell/Buy price in Market Watch and the Order Ticket to reflect your order size. You'll see the spread widen as your trade size increases for example to reflect the VWAP.

If you trade typically small to medium trade size, your spread should not be affected at all and your trades will be executed at the best (Level 1) price😊.

You can see VWAP, Spread and the whole Market Depth of the instrument if you like.

By default, Market Depth is not visible, but you can switch it on in xStation: Settings/General.

Similarly you can set and observe Market Depth in the xStation mobile app.

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