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Stock transfer costs

Stock transfer

Anna Niedobova avatar
Written by Anna Niedobova
Updated over a week ago

🚩 Transfer of securities to XTB

​No fees are charged for transferring securities to XTB

🚩 Transfer of securities from XTB to another broker

​Please remember that the cost of transferring OMI from XTB to another brokerage house is EUR 25/ USD 25 per ISIN, shares listed in Spain: 0.10% of the share value per

ISIN (not less than EUR 100). The cost is deducted from your trading account.

🚩 Transfer of securities between trading accounts at XTB

In this case, the fee is 0.5% of the value of the purchase transaction per ISIN (not less than EUR 25/USD 25). The minimum fee will be charged to the account and currency of the account from which OMI is transferred.

🚩This is not applicable to Clients who opened an account with XTB Limited (CY).

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