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Activity Feed
Updated over 9 months ago

Business case

The Activity Feed has been given a prominent position in the adaptive digital workplace, which allows users to concentrate on the essential content without distractions, based to their personal needs. By keeping the Activity Feed consistently visible, users can quickly access important updates and notifications.


About the Activity Feed

You can use the Workspace 365 Activity Feed to enable a task-based approach to working. It is possible to connect countless of third-party applications to your Activity Feed (e.g. TOPdesk, Zapier, project management, CRM systems and applications like Slack, Salesforce, Monday and thousands more).

For example, you could connect your HR system and set it up in such a way that whenever someone requests time off, their team manager gets a notification in their Activity Feed. With one click they can immediately open their HR system to approve or reject the request.

Visit our website if you'd like to receive more examples on how to bring the right information, at the right time, to the right people.

Activity Feed API

Improve the Digital Employee Experience and use our Activity Feed API display external information, tasks and notifications. You can create custom activities from third-party applications and push it to specific users and/or groups, define actions users are allowed to take, create custom tags or categories (and stack activities), customized colors and icons, the possibilities are endless...

It is relatively easy to setup for people who are slightly tech-savvy. We have some documentation about the endpoints of the Activity Feed and API examples, which you can find here:

Pin or unpin the Activity Feed


As a workspace admin, you can set the default state of Activity Feed for an entire workspace environment on all spaces. This can be set from the Workspace admin settings under 'Workspace management'.

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Users can decide whether they want to pin or unpin the the Activity Feed themselves, and thus overwrite the default state configured by the admin, by clicking the following icon:

Information types

Activity Feed:

  • The Hub: new announcements, comments, reactions, mentions, event attendance and knowledge articles.

  • Apps: new available apps, planned maintenance and user requests.

  • Birthdays: birthdays notifications, birthday wishes and reactions.

  • Calendar: calendar events.

  • Email: emails notifications.

    • Note: email notifications must be enabled by the workspace admin. Enable the option "Enable email activities in the Activity Feed" under "Integrations" and then "Exchange".

  • Folders and Files: moved/copied items and shared items.


  • Briefing: daily-/weekly summary emails.

Time zone

The moment when users receive birthday notifications and briefing emails, is based on the time zone configured in the users' Workspace profile.

Each time the user logs in, we compare the following:

  • Does the time zone set in the Workspace profile match the time zone configured in the local system settings

  • Does the Country/Region setting match the set time zone

When the "Set time zone automatically" toggle is enabled, we will automatically change the user's time zone in the workspace when a conflict is detected. If the toggle is disabled, users can configure their own time zone but will be prompted if they want to change it if a conflict is detected.

Manage activities and notifications

Filter or mute activities and notifications to your personal needs and really focus on what's important for your work day. This option gives information managers a chance to integrate notifications from different platforms or third-party applications, deciding which notifications are relevant for specific departments, preventing a possible information-overload.

Click on the cogwheel to enable or disable notifications for the different information types.

You can mute (disable) activities by clicking in the three dots and choose "Mute".

  • Muting activities does not delete activities. They are created nonetheless.

  • Read emails from any device will automatically be removed as activity from the Activity Feed.


Daily or Weekly briefing (summary email)

If you don't receive the daily/weekly email, please check if the emails are in quarantine or blocked by an anti-phishing policy before contacting support.

The briefing email can be useful for those who don't use the mobile app, users who don't use Workspace that often or are not used to open their workspace at the start of their workday. It summarizes events in the digital workplace, such as newly created announcements, birthday notifications from colleagues, new available apps and more.

The briefing email is based on the Activity Feed settings. The moment on which users receive the email, is based on the configured timezone of the users in the Workspace. The email will be sent on Monday mornings (not based on working days). The weekly briefing offers 5 items per category, the daily briefing offers 3 items per category. By default, the weekly briefing email is enabled.

You have a few options:

  1. Disable daily/weekly email briefings of workspace activities entirely. Nobody in the workspace environment will receive emails. User preference is also ignored.

  2. Keep the briefing email enabled, but disable both options under default state. New users will not receive the briefing email. These users can choose to enable the briefing email themselves.

  3. Keep the briefing email enabled and enable either the daily- or weekly briefing. New users will receive the briefing type selected under the default state.

  4. Configure the default state and force it to all users. This will overwrite user's personal preference.

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