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Troubleshooting the Local App Launcher
Updated over 8 months ago


Having problems with the Workspace Local App Launcher? Such as not able to open (specific) applications or seeing constant browser pop-up notifications while starting the app? Keep on reading. This article will help you to fix these issues.

The app could not be opened


Explanation: it could happen you are not able to open a local app from your Workspace. You receive the error message "The app couldn't be opened". However, you are able to open the application with the same path used in your XML file via the Windows Run command.


  • Make sure you meet the requirements. Keep in mind that the process we run is x86.

  • Make sure that the id and target in your XML file corresponds with what has been configured for the application in Workspace. The application path (target) is a relative path and needs to be located on the exact same location on each client to which you are deploying the Workspace 365 App Launcher and Instruction file to.

  • For further troubleshooting on why the app couldn't be opened, click "Open logs folder" or navigate to 'AppData\Roaming\Workspace 365 App Launcher\logs' for more information.

Constant browser pop-up notification

Explanation: you get a pop-up notification every time you want to launch a local app from your Workspace.

Workaround (Safari): the dialog that appears "Do you allow this page to open..." is a Safari security feature that currently can't be disabled. This means you always have to choose "Allow" when opening local apps from your Workspace. A workaround for this issue is to use Chrome.

Solution (Chrome): make sure the checkbox "Always open" is checked when editing the shortcut tile from your Workspace.

Quick Assist cannot be opened

Explanation: it is not possible to open 32-bit version of Quick Assist from your Workspace, or it seems to open but closes directly after. However, you are able to open the application via the Windows RUN command with the same path used in your XML file.

Solution: start the 64-bit version of Quick Assist from your Workspace instead of the 32-bit version. You can do this by starting the 64-bit PowerShell via the Sysnative folder and let Quick Assist start via the following argument:

target="%windir%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" args="-WindowStyle Hidden -Command Invoke-Expression C:\Windows\system32\quickassist.exe" />

When starting the 64-bit version from you Workspace, you may see a PowerShell window briefly pop up. However, you will now be able to offer Quick Assist as a tile from your Workspace.

Opening .exe not working properly

Explanation: in some cases, when launching a .exe the program does not open properly.

Solution: create a shortcut to the .exe and use the shortcut to launch the program via de Local App Launcher

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