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FAQ for users
Updated over 9 months ago


How can I edit my workspace?

Click on “Edit".


In edit mode, you can:

  • Move tile groups;

  • Remove tiles;

  • Add tiles;

  • Change tile sizes or colours;

  • Create personal tile groups.

Why can't I change some tiles or groups or spaces/tabs?

If you right-click a tile from your Personal workspace, you can edit it. However, some tiles are set for you by the admin. These are in shared tile groups and cannot be edited. Your admin determines the rights and permissions in your workspace. You may be able to edit some parts. A colleague may be able to do more or less in the workspace.

What is the difference between a shared and personal tile group?

You can create and/or change personal tile groups yourself. This means that you can add, remove or modify tiles. You can only edit your workspace in the “Personal” tab. In the personal tab you can reorder personal and shared tile groups. Click on “Edit” at the top left to drag and drop tile groups. Or navigate to the App store to add tiles to your workspace.


How do I add a tile?

You can create a tile (e.g. a shortcut to a website), or you can add an application from the App store. When the admin has granted you access to the application, you can add it to your Workspace.

  1. Click on “Edit” and select +Add tiles (or navigate to the App Store directly).

  2. Select the application you want to add.

  3. Click on “Add to new personal group” at the bottom right.
    Or choose an existing tile group by clicking on the arrow.

  4. Click on "Save".


How do I create a tile group?

  1. Click on "Edit".

  2. Select “Groups”.

  3. Click on “New Personal Group”.

  4. Give the group a name (e.g. “My Apps”).

  5. Click on the group plus sign to add tiles to it.


How do I create a shortcut?

  1. Click on the App store icon (waffle icon).

  2. Click on “Create a tile”.

  3. Select “Shortcut”.

  4. Click on "Create".

  5. Choose an icon for the tile.

  6. Give your shortcut a name.

  7. And add the web address.

  8. Click on “Add to new personal group” or choose an existing tile group by clicking the arrow.

  9. Click "Save".


Can I request apps?

If your admin has allowed this, you can request apps.

  1. Go to the App store (waffle icon).

  2. Click on the “Request apps” tab.​

  3. Click on the “Request” button for the app you want to add.

    Note: Here you only see the apps that you are allowed to request from the admin. Is there an app missing here that you would like to request? Then it may be that the admin has not yet given you rights to that application.

  4. State your reason.

  5. And send your request.​

I've lost tiles. Where can I find them?

Tile group removed

You may have deleted a tile from a personal tile group, or the entire tile group. Add the tiles again from the App store (waffle icon) from the navigation menu on the left side.

Shortcut discarded

If you have deleted your custom shortcut, you will have to recreate it from the App store (waffle icon) from the navigation menu on the left side.

Group hidden

You may have lost tiles because you hid a tile group. Click on "Edit" and then “Groups”, to check the groups that don’t have a ticked checkbox. Perhaps your tiles are in one of these groups.


How can I quickly search through my workspace for applications or files, for example?

Global Search

Instantly find whatever application or information you’re looking for with the Global Search functionality. With this search bar you can search through your entire workspace and it brings the right information and applications immediately to you, saving you significant amounts of time each day.

You can search through the categories Announcements, Apps, Email, Files, Folders, Knowledge items, People and OpenIMS (if configured by the admin). These categories return results based on your usage, so you most frequently used file for example, will be presented at the top.

When you type “Word”, you can either open the Word application or a specific file containing that same search term. Based on your preference for opening Office documents, documents shown in the Global Search will open with that same preference. The same goes for the search term "Documents". Not only will you have the option to navigate to the Documents page (app source), but it will also show all files containing the word “Document” (file source).

Note: searching through file server documents, is not yet supported.


How can I manage my frequently used apps?

Your admin determines whether "frequently used apps” can be used.

If this has been made available to you, you can decide for yourself whether you check it on or off in Workspace V3. Click on "Edit" -> "Groups" and click the checkbox of “frequently used apps” to toggle it on or off.

In Workspace V4 (preview), you don't have the option to hide your frequently used apps. These apps have been reduced from 12 to 10 apps and are accessible from every space. Only the top 6 apps are displayed in the navigation menu. You can click on the three dots to view more.

Where can I manage my notifications?

  1. You can manage notifications from the Activity Feed.

  2. Click on the cogwheel at the top right of your workspace.

  3. Now you can decide which activities or notifications you want to see in your Activity Feed.
    You can turn sliders on or off.

  4. When you're done, click on "Save".


How do I quickly create new items, such as emails, calendar items, documents, announcements, personal contacts and more?

+ Create

At the top right of your workspace you will see "+ Create". From there, you can create new items.

create button.png

Live tile

In live tiles, you will see a plus sign at the bottom left of the tile. Click on it to create a new item. For the documents tile this will be a new file, for the email tile a new email, etc.

Here's an example:


Can I also chat with my colleagues?

Unfortunately, you cannot chat directly with colleagues from your workspace. There is, however, a chat icon in the address book. If you click on this, Microsoft Teams will immediately open the chat with the colleague you’ve selected. This also applies to video calls.

  1. Click on the icon for "Address Book" from the navigation menu at the left side.

  2. Find a colleague and click on the chat or video call icon.


Can I open the workspace on my mobile or tablet?

Yes, you can. You can download the Workspace 365 app via the Apple App Store or the Google Playstore for Android. You then have to scan a QR code once to be able to use the app. Here you can find the complete guide to do this. You can also use your workspace via the browser on your mobile or tablet.

How do I change the Workspace language?

If you want to change the language, select one of the languages from the option menu at the top right of your Workspace from the drop-down menu. It doesn't matter from which device you are trying to access Workspace, the language will be the same for all devices. You can choose your preferred date and time settings by changing the Workspace to English: United Kingdom, New Zealand or Australia. If you visit Workspace for the first time, the Workspace language is based on your browser language settings.


How can I access my documents?

  1. Via the Documents live tile. Via your documents live tile, you can quickly navigate to all your documents by clicking on “Documents” at the bottom right.​


  2. Via the Documents tab. From the navigation menu on the left, you can open the Documents app.​


How can I quickly find a document?

  1. You can search for files via the Global search function from the workspace header at the top right. Click “show more results for files” to filter your search.

  2. There is a search bar within the Documents page. Use this to search within the folder or library you are currently in.


What can I do with the Documents tile?

In the recent documents tile, you will find your most recently edited documents. At the top left corner, next to the word 'Recent', is a small arrow. If you click on it, you will see that you can also open your bookmarks. From the Documents app, you can reorder your bookmarks by moving them up or down.

If the Documents tile is in a personal tile group, you can resize the tile.

You can create a new document, such as an Excel or Word file, by clicking on the plus sign at the bottom left of the tile.


In addition to ‘recent’ and ‘bookmarks’, you can also add other folders to your Documents tile. Make sure the Documents tile is in a personal tile group.

  1. Right-click the Documents tile.

  2. Click Edit tile.

  3. A sidebar will open on the left. Click the plus bar at the very bottom.

  4. Click Select.

  5. Choose Select other.

  6. Find the folder you want to add.

  7. Click Done.

  8. You can also decide in which order you want the folders to be displayed in the Documents tile by clicking the arrows.

  9. Click Save when you’re done.

  10. In Workspace, click Save again.

How can I share a document with a colleague?

From the Documents page, select the document you want to share. Then, click “Share Link” from action bar menu. Click "Change settings" to determine whether the recipient is allowed to edit or only view the document. Copy the link and share it with the recipient. You can now work together in the same document because you have shared one and the same document, not a copy of it.

Select the document you want to share and click “Share” and then “Invite user”. Enter the name of your colleague and click “Share”. Your colleague will then receive a notification in his or her activity feed.

From the recent Documents tile, click on a file and choose “Share link”. Click "Change settings" to determine whether the recipient is allowed to edit or only view the document. Copy the link and share it with the recipient. You can now work together in the same document because you have shared one and the same document, not a copy of it.


How can I mark a document or file as favourite?

  1. Select a file or folder from the Documents page.

  2. From the action bar menu, click “Add bookmark”.

  3. Decide if you want to rename, not the document itself, but your bookmark.

  4. Click “Add”.

You can now find your bookmark at the top left of the Documents page and in your documents live tile.

How can I sync folders or drives?

If it is allowed by the admin, you can synchronize drives or folders, so that you can easily find them via Windows Explorer of your computer. Navigate to the drive or folder you want to sync and click “Sync” in the top left.



Can I hide folder or drives I don't use?

Yes, you can.

  1. Go to the Documents app.

  2. Click on the three dots to manage your libraries.

  3. A menu "Manage libraries" will open.

  4. Choose which folders (libraries) you want to hide, by clicking on the eye icon on the right side.

    • Hidden folders can be displayed again by clicking the eye icon once again.

I use the ‘normal’ Word, but documents always open in the online Word. How can I change this?

  1. Select any document.

  2. From the action bar menu at the top, you will see the button “Open in Word online”.

  3. If it is allowed by the admin, you can click on the small arrow next to this button.

  4. Click “Set open preference”.

  5. Choose “Open in Office local app”.

  6. Click “Set open preference”.

From now on, all documents will be opened in the local Office applications, provided these applications are installed on your device.


How can I create a new document or folder?

1. Via the "Create" button

Click on the "Create" button at the top right of your workspace to quickly create a new Word document.

create button.png

2. Via the Documents Live tile

At the bottom left of the recent Documents tile, you will see a plus sign. Click on it to create a new document.


3. From the Documents app

At the top left of the Documents page, you will see the button “New”. Click on it to create a new folder or document. This will then be created on the drive or folder you are currently in.​


How can I move or copy a document?

  1. Select a document.

  2. Click “Manage” from the action bar menu.

  3. Select the action you want to perform.


Can I share a folder or document outside the organisation?

If it is allowed by the admin, you can share a link of a file with external parties. If not, select the file, click “Share” and attach the file to an email to share a copy of the file. Select the file and click “Download”. You can now find the document in the downloads folder on your computer, which you can now share with external parties.

How can I see what others have shared with me, and I with others?

At the top left of the Documents page, click “My documents”. Under “my documents”, you will see “Shared with me”. Here, you can view all documents that have been shared with you.

If you want to view the documents you've shared with others, go to the Microsoft's OneDrive environment. Click “Shared” at the top left. From there, you can choose between “Shared with you” and “Shared by you”.


How can I access my mailbox?

  1. Via your email live tile you can quickly navigate to your email by clicking “Email” at the bottom right of the tile.​


  2. Go to the Email app from the navigation menu on the left side to navigate directly to your email.​


Note: You can also quickly create a new email via the "Create" button at the top right of your workspace.​

create button.png

How do I add a shared mailbox to my email tile?

Do you often work from a shared mailbox? Then you can also add it to your email tile, next to your own Inbox, as long as it is in a personal tile group.

You can easily retrieve shared mailboxes automatically to which you have full access in the email app. You can do this by clicking the 'eye icon' (for manage mailboxes) in the upper left corner and refreshing the page. This will load all your mailboxes.

Shared mailboxes with only send access do not appear automatically, you can add these manually by clicking the plus icon:

  1. Right-click on the email tile.

  2. Click on “Edit tile”. A sidebar will open on the left.

  3. Click on the plus bar at the very bottom.

  4. Click on your email address and then on “Other mailbox”.

  5. Enter the email address you want to add here.

  6. And select the folder you want to display.

  7. Click "Save".

  8. You can also decide in which order you want the mailboxes to appear in the tile by clicking on the small arrows to the right of the sidebar.

  9. In the workspace itself, click on "Save" again.

Can I create a separate tile for my shared mailbox?

Yes, you can.

  1. Make sure the email tile is in your workspace twice.

  2. Add your shared mailbox to the second tile.

  3. Also remove your own mailbox directly here by clicking on the horizontal line to the right of your email address.

  4. Click on "Save".

Can I send an email from a shared mailbox? And set it as my default sender address?

Both are possible:

  1. Go to the email app.

  2. Click on the three horizontal dots.

  3. Click manage.

  4. Click on the three horizontal dots behind the shared mailbox, the following popup will appear:

  5. Check the checkbox “Activate send as”.

    • Once "Activate send as" is checked, you can also check the checkbox "Use as default send address" if desired.

  6. Click on “Save”.

You now have the option to send emails from the shared mailbox.

How do I adjust my email signature?

  1. Go to the email app.

  2. Click on “New email”.

  3. Click on “Signature” in the toolbar.

  4. Select “Settings”. Here you can compose your signature.

  5. Click on “Save”.​


How can I automatically mark my email as read?

  1. Go to the email app.

  2. Click on the three horizontal dots.

  3. Click manage.

  4. Click the three dots next to the email address.

  5. Enable Automatically marks emails as read.

  6. Click Save.

How do I show only my unread email messages in the Email live tile?

Edit the Email live tile by right-clicking it. Under '"Content", you can choose to show read and/or unread email messages.


How can I add a shared calendar to the Calendar live tile?

Shared calendars should be automatically visible, provided you have sufficient permissions (Full Details). If not, right-click the Calendar live tile to edit it. Then, click on the "+" icon to select the calendar that you would like to add to the calendar live tile's drop-down menu.

For more information, please refer to: Quick Start Guide and Calendar.

Can I add a shared calendar from the Calendar app in the navigation menu?

Shared calendars should be automatically visible, provided you have sufficient permissions (Full Details). For more information, please refer to: Calendar.

How can I use the web version (OWA)?

From the Calendar app, you can click on the Button "Go to Outlook". You can also create a shortcut tile to: Only the Workspace administrator can decide whether the default client is set to OWA for the Calendar app.

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