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Step 4. Creating a Windows service
Updated over 9 months ago


The Azure AD synctool will not running automatically. Therefore, you need create a service that runs the synctool.


To create the Windows Service, open PowerShell and from there, open the file destination where the synctool is located. When you have the right file path, give the following command:

.\NDAW.AzureActiveDirectorySync.Runner.exe install -servicename "Workspace 365 AD Synctool Customer A" -displayname "Workspace 365 AD Synctool Customer A"

Change everything behind “servicename” and “displayname” to what you want to name the service.

A list of ways to deploy/install the service will be shown. You can easily deploy the service to your desired configuration. For quick deploy use:

.\NDAW.AzureActiveDirectorySync.Runner.exe help

You will see the list with the following options:

[INFO ] 2018-10-19 15:44:10 Program - AAD to W365 sync tool version is
Configuration Result:
[Success] Name AzureActiveDirectorySyncToWorkspaceSyncService
[Success] DisplayName Azure Active Directory sync to Workspace 365
[Success] Description Azure Active Directory sync to Workspace 365
[Success] ServiceName AzureActiveDirectorySyncToWorkspaceSyncService
Topshelf v4.0.0.0, .NET Framework v4.0.30319.42000
Topshelf is a library that simplifies the creation of Windows services using .NET.Command-Line Reference  service.exe [verb] [-option:value] [-switch]    run                 Runs the service from the command line (default)
    help, --help        Displays help    install             Installs the service      --autostart       The service should start automatically (default)
      --disabled        The service should be set to disabled
      --manual          The service should be started manually
      --delayed         The service should start automatically (delayed)
      -instance         An instance name if registering the service
                        multiple times
      -username         The username to run the service
      -password         The password for the specified username
      --localsystem     Run the service with the local system account
      --localservice    Run the service with the local service account
      --networkservice  Run the service with the network service permission
      --interactive     The service will prompt the user at installation for
                        the service credentials
      start             Start the service after it has been installed
      --sudo            Prompts for UAC if running on Vista/W7/2008      -servicename      The name that the service should use when
      -description      The service description the service should use when
      -displayname      The display name the the service should use when
                        installing    start               Starts the service if it is not already running    stop                Stops the service if it is running    uninstall           Uninstalls the service      -instance         An instance name if registering the service
                        multiple times
      --sudo            Prompts for UAC if running on Vista/W7/2008Examples:    service install
        Installs the service into the service control manager    service install -username:joe -password:bob --autostart
        Installs the service using the specified username/password and
        configures the service to start automatically at machine startup    service uninstall
        Uninstalls the service    service install -instance:001
        Installs the service, appending the instance name to the service name
        so that the service can be installed multiple times. You may need to
        tweak the log4net.config to make this play nicely with the log files.

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