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Mobile app
Updated over a week ago

Business case

Customers want easy access to their Workspace on any device, including mobile devices such as phones or tablets.

While it's possible to access the Workspace from a mobile device using a browser like on a computer or laptop, this can be a hassle to set up and manage compared to a mobile app. This does not match with Workspace’s vision to simplify, and therefore it is not a viable solution.

To make the Workspace easily and quickly accessible on mobile phones and tablets, we created our own Workspace 365 mobile app for both Android and iOS.

About the mobile app

With the Workspace 365 mobile app, you can easily access the workspace from a mobile device like a phone or tablet. This is very useful if (part of) your workforce either doesn’t have access to a computer or laptop, or it is inconvenient for them to carry one around. That said, there are some remarks to keep in mind:

  • The option to download the app may depend on the country you live in. If the mobile app does not show in the search results, click one of these links to download the app: App Store or Google Play Store (or contact us if you need any help).

  • Mobile app notifications through the Activity Feed will not work for self-hosted partners. Hosted partners will have the option to disable these notifications.

  • Badges with numbers or dot-style badges will not be displayed on the mobile app icon.

  • Teams sites cannot be opened using the mobile app because the browser isn't supported by Teams.



There’s a few things to keep in mind regarding branding in relation to the mobile app:

  • Your custom workspace branding will work the same within the mobile app as in the regular browser

  • The app’s icon as displayed on your phone/tablet cannot be customized

  • The mobile app setup screens cannot be customized

Download and configure the mobile app

Users can install and configure the mobile app using the instructions below.

  1. On your mobile device, download the Workspace 365 app from the App Store or Google Play Store.

  2. After downloading the app for the first time, you will be presented with a welcome screen.

    1. Click Next.​


  3. Now the app needs to be linked to your workspace environment, this can be done in three ways:

Note: Workspace 365 (only) follows Azure policies. Therefore, ensure that — for example, in the Conditional Access Policy or the Enterprise App Restrictions policy — it is not configured to allow work only with Microsoft services, such as Edge.

Scan the QR code

  1. On a desktop or laptop, navigate to your workspace and login.

  2. Click on the Profile menu button in the top right corner of your screen.

  3. Click Mobile app, then scan the QR code with the mobile app.

    • Scan successful? Then you will see Workspace found!

    • Scan not successful? The error message URL is invalid will appear. Try to rescan the code to continue the login process or try one of the other methods described below.

  4. Click Login to Workspace to log in with your credentials.

Enter your Domain or Email address

DNS Configuration Required

Before this functionality can be used, a DNS admin should configure a TXT record in the domain's DNS settings.

For example:
If users log in with, the TXT record should be set for the domain

TXT Record Format

TXT record’s should be created with content similar to this:

For example: if the URL you use is

Then the TXT record would need to be set like this:


Note for Guest Accounts: Guests can enter the domain that is configured by the DNS admin. In these examples that would be

  1. In the mobile app, enter your email address

    • For admins: the app performs a DNS lookup to the domain in the email address in the background, and checks if the TXT record mentioned above exists. If yes, the mobile app will be configured for the environment listed in the TXT record.

    • Admins : Note, that we use the email address entirely for convenience, the domain would suffice. Also should you wish to use an entirely different domain, that is allowed, but would likely confuse end users so adjust your documentation accordingly

  2. Click Login to Workspace to login with your credentials.

Enter your workspace URL

A third option is to manually enter your workspace URL.

Configure the mobile app for a different Workspace environment

From the Workspace 365 app itself, you can unlink Workspace from the app. This gives you the opportunity to use the same mobile app and log in with a different Workspace environment.

To do this, follow the instructions below.

  1. On you mobile phone, go to the Workspace 365 app.

  2. Click on the Profile menu at the top right side of your screen.

  3. Select Mobile app.

  4. Click Unlink workspace from app.

  5. Click Unlink to confirm.

  6. Click Next and follow the instructions above from step 2 "Get access to the mobile app" to log in with a different Workspace environment.

In-app browser (SSO fix)

Based on feedback from our customers, we have built an in-app browser for the mobile app (Nov, 2022). Before, opening links from the mobile app used to open in your browser e.g. Safari or Chrome, outside the scope of the mobile app. When going back to the mobile app, you needed to sign in again. Now, with the in-app browser, you don't need to leave the app. As a result, this fixes the Single Sign-On issue. You can however still choose to open links in external browsers.

You can access this setting from your profile settings in the app:

  1. Click on your profile image in the upper right corner to open the app settings.

  2. From the drop-down menu, select "Mobile app".

  3. Under "Web links" you will find the setting "Open web links using in-app browser".

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