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How do I troubleshoot my Raw device?
How do I troubleshoot my Raw device?

Is your Raw device not sending data, reporting incorrect location, or showing no input activity? Learn to troubleshoot your Raw device here.

Updated over 6 months ago

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My device has stopped reporting

  1. Log into Trackunit Manager

  2. Click on the Fleet app

  3. Locate and click on the asset on which the Raw device is installed

  4. In Asset Home, click on Telematics in the left side menu

Under Cellular you can find Latest data. If the latest data reported there is older than 15 minutes, the device has stopped reporting.

Under Power check the Power supply. If it is 0V or below 5V it means your device has lost power supply and is working on internal battery. When that happens the frequency of sending data is reduced from every 15 minutes to once per hour.

  • If the Power supply is 0V or below 5V and the Battery level is lower than or equal to 3.7V it’s an indication that the internal battery is fully discharged and the device is on sleep mode waiting on power supply.

  • If the Power supply is good (12V, 24V, or 48V) and the Battery level is below or equal to 3.7V it’s an indication the internal battery is damaged, defective, or at the end of its lifespan. Your battery may need to be replaced.

  • If the Power supply shows values over 60V your device is probably water damaged. Reach out to Customer Support for advice.

  • If the Power supply is good (12V, 24V, or 48V) and the Battery level is good (4.1V), but the Latest data is older than 15 min it can be caused by either a loss of GSM network, device failure, or a damaged device. On your asset, make sure:

    • that the device power connections/wiring are secure, properly connected, and not damaged. If all is properly connected, there should be a blinking RED light that indicates Network connectivity. If the device is turned ON and red LED is visible (constant or flashing) the GSM network might be the root cause. In that case, reach out to Customer Support for advice.

    • that the in-line 1A fuse on the asset’s wiring harness is in good condition. Replace the fuse if the in-line fuse is blown.

    • to check if the asset is located inside of a building where its cellular strength is weak. If so, this may cause a temporary loss in reporting until the cellular connection is re-established.

    • that the device is not damaged. If found damaged, reach out to Customer Support for advice.

On your asset, check that the device's power connections/wiring are secure, properly connected, and not damaged. If all is properly connected, there should be a blinking RED light that indicates network connectivity.

led status.png

My device is reporting data, but not a current GPS location

  1. Log into Trackunit Manager

  2. Click on the Fleet app

  3. Locate and click on the asset on which the Raw device is installed

  4. In Asset Home, click on Telematics in the left side menu

troubleshoot raw position.png

Under GPS you can find Latest position. If the device is reporting data, but not a current GPS location, try the following:

  • Check if the asset is located inside of a building where its cellular strength is weak. If so, this may cause a temporary loss in reporting until the cellular connection is re-established.

  • Move the asset outside and ensure that the device antenna has an unobstructed view of the sky.

  • Check if the GPS signal could be blocked by physical structures (buildings, installation placement on the asset, rural areas).

  • Run the asset outside for 15-20 minutes.

If the device is still not reporting GPS location reach out to Customer Support for advice.

My asset shows no activity

In Trackunit Manager you can see for how long the issue persisted. If there has been no activity before it’s most likely an installation issue.

  1. Log into Trackunit Manager

  2. Click on the Fleet app

  3. Locate and click on the asset on which the Raw device is installed

  4. In Asset Home, click on Telematics in the left side menu

Under Advanced Configuration, confirm the source of total hours and see if something has been changed from the default settings.

In the Insights tab on the left side menu, under Advanced Sensors, you can see when the last data was received.

Note: You need to be the owner of the asset to see Advanced Configuration.

On the asset, ensure that the input connections/wiring are secure, properly connected, and not damaged.

By default, the inputs need at least a 9.4V or greater power source connection to run HIGH. See how to configure inputs in Trackunit Verify here

If all connections are good and there has been activity on the inputs earlier, reach out to Customer Support for advice.

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