Merge fields are named 'Placeholders' inside the Prescreen recruitment system.
Prescreen recruitment system differentiates between two types of email communication to candidates:
"Message templates"
"Notifications to Applicants"
When implementing a talenthub link in a message template, you cannot insert it as a Hyperlink. On the other hand, when you insert a talenthub link in a Notifications to Applicant, you can embed the link as a Hyperlink.
Here are each of the commonly used placeholders and their corresponding merge fields:
Placeholder | Placeholder token/syntax |
Title of the context job | %jobTitle% |
Name of the main contact | %mainContact% |
Email address of the main contact | %mainContactEmail% |
Institution/scope of the context job | %institution% |
Name of the company | %companyName% |
Company address | %address% |