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A word from the psychologist - How to report your results?
A word from the psychologist - How to report your results?
Emilie Roze avatar
Written by Emilie Roze
Updated over a week ago

Inviting your employees to take a survey means giving them a voice. Conversely, answering a survey is a committed act that, even if it is protected by confidentiality, requires disclosure. In this regard, employees naturally expect to receive feedback: it is proof of the value that the employer places on their commitment. This is why the survey should not stop there.

Restitution is the first action to be taken to ensure the virtuous circle initiated by the survey.

Ideally, the results should be communicated during presentations, either to teams or to all employees at a time. Although this can be complicated to implement, for example, because the number of employees is too large or because of a health crisis, an email is already a fundamental element of the restitution. And for this, nothing could be simpler. We provide you with an email template that can be adapted to suit any situation.

A few weeks ago, you answered a survey. Once again: thank you!

We have analyzed every response and read every comment. Nothing has been left out and we will do our best to act on it.
Before we do, we think it's important for you to know which elements stand out.

  • What seems to be the most satisfying: (for example a significant number of employees praise the relationships with their colleagues, even going so far as to mention the feeling of working within a family).

  • What to watch out for: (for example: for some employees, feedback from their manager is not sufficient)

  • What needs to be improved: (e.g.: some employees mention difficulties in communication between teams)

In any case, we will come back to you to let you know what we are going to implement following this survey.

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