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The recommandation database
Emilie Roze avatar
Written by Emilie Roze
Updated over a year ago

The Supermood recommendation database, created by our occupational psychologists, helps you implement concrete actions to improve the commitment and well-being of your employees.

Depending on your results and your needs, find the right actions to implement, thanks to our library: in the Action space, click on the See the recommendation database button.

In this article:

🗃️ What's in the recommendation database?

The recommendation database contains ideas for actions to be implemented in your company. These actions come from 3 main sources:

  • research and literature specialized in Organizational Sciences and Management, or in Occupational Psychology;

  • actions successfully implemented by Supermood clients;

  • actions successfully implemented by innovative companies around the world.

It is continuously maintained, so don't hesitate to visit it regularly! 🤓

🔎 How do I find the right recommendation for my context?

Our recommendations are categorized according to our 10 engagement drivers - just choose the ones that are relevant to you:

  • Click on “Filter” at the top left of the page,

  • select the “Topic” category,

  • then choose the relevant topic(s) and the corresponding recommendations will appear on your screen.


🗝️ Who has access to it?

Each admin, each results viewer, can access the recommendations database to learn from our experience on good practices in engagement and well-being at work.

☝️ Can I contribute to it?

Yes, we would love to!

You can help us grow our recommendation database by contacting your Account Manager or via our recommendation form. We may ask you for details to make it eligible and add your best practice to our recommendation base. 🎉

Having a doubt or a question? Feel free to write ot us at!

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