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Supermood and my data: the importance of privacy
Supermood and my data: the importance of privacy
Emilie Roze avatar
Written by Emilie Roze
Updated over a year ago

As an employee, you have questions about your data - and rightfully so! Let's answer them here.πŸ‘‡

In this article:

πŸ•Ά How Supermood ensures your answers are kept confidential from your employer?

The privacy of results on Supermood is based on one main principle: the respect of a confidentiality threshold. Results in a survey are only displayed if there is a minimum number of participants. By default, this threshold is set to 5 participants.

Example: if I want to display the results corresponding to the women of the Tech team, it is possible only if at least 5 of them have answered the survey.

This means that there is no possibility for your answers to be isolated and attributed to you. Neither your colleagues, nor your manager, nor anyone else in your organization can know who answered what - or even who answered at all.

In practice, if there are less than 5 answers, it looks like this:


πŸ”₯ What can managers and HR see?

Aggregated results and averages

Each manager has access to the aggregated results of their team (i.e. they see averages and not individual scores).If the team is small or divided into sub-teams, the results will only appear if there are at least 5 respondents. If the team is small or divided into sub-teams, the results will only appear if there are at least 5 participants.

The platform administrators (often the HR managers) have access to the same results but for all the teams - always respecting the confidentiality threshold. Under no circumstances can they retrieve individual results.

In concrete terms, on the platform, the results look like this:

Capture d’écran 2023-07-19 aΜ€ 16.47.11.png

πŸ’¬ Should you be wary of open-ended questions (comments)?

On the contrary, they are made for you!

Supermood allows you to express yourself in a qualitative way through comments: it's an opportunity to bring up specific problems, to give solutions... In short, we think that in order to be heard, it is important that you can report freely in writing.

Our advice πŸ’‘
​To protect your confidentiality when answering an open-ended question, the most important thing is not to write anything that can clearly identify you: no names, references to projects that only you oversee, or other information that makes you recognizable.

πŸ‘€ What do Supermood teams have access to?

The same view as the administrators

All platform data is stored in our own databases at Supermood. But that doesn't mean we have access to all your information!
The Supermood team has access to the same view of the platform as the administrators: we can see the results of all entities and teams in the company, in the form of averages and aggregated indicators. As with all managers and administrators, the confidentiality threshold applies to us!

Only two people from our IT department, specifically appointed and trained, can have access to your individual responses. They are only required to consult them in the event of force majeure or an express request from you (such as a request to delete your answers, for example), and they do so through a strictly controlled process. These actions are rigorously recorded and must be justified.

πŸ’½ What happens to all the employee data?

What data Supermood has access to

Your employer decides which data are critical for their analysis (for example: gender, seniority, team...). Supermood only has access to the data that are provided, and never has access to "sensitive" data (religion, politics, sexual orientation...).

We apply the GDPR rule of "privacy by default" and therefore always collect as little data as possible.

We never use it for commercial purposes

Besides being used on the Supermood platform, your collected data can be used for two things: to improve our existing algorithms (to see if the questions we ask are relevant, etc.), or to be included in a global benchmark (once anonymized, of course!). Reselling data "to personalize your advertising experience" is definitely not for us.

It will be permanently deleted after a period of time agreed upon with your employer

The data is held by Supermood. At the end of a period defined with your company, these data are all removed from our platform, permanently. Your company can, at the end of the contract, ask us to export the collected data: this is possible but we will only return aggregated and anonymized data. In other words, the export will be done in a format that always guarantees that it is not possible to isolate an answer.

πŸ” How secure is the Supermood platform?

Your data is secured by ISO-27001 and SSL encryption

The security of your data is of paramount importance to us. The databases on which your answers are stored are secure, and this data remains in ISO-27001 compliant datacenters. To communicate with you, we use an encrypted HTTPS communication channel, which uses SSL technology. This somewhat barbaric name means that even your IT department cannot intercept your answers, and that everything stays between you and us.

We comply with the GDPR to the letter

As a general rule, we go to great lengths to ensure that you and your data are best protected. For example, we only collect the information we really need to run Supermood, and we have a system in place to transfer data directly to the platform to ensure that no information passes through unsecured channels.

Bottom line: you can use Supermood with your eyes closed...

... well, almost - you might get a few typos.

  • πŸ•Ά We have a confidentiality threshold in place for your answers.

  • πŸ”₯ Managers and HR can only see aggregated results.

  • πŸ’¬ Open-ended questions are made to express yourself freely without being identified.

  • πŸ‘€ Supermood teams have access to the same views as an administrator.

  • πŸ’½ We only collect strictly necessary data and it is deleted after a period of time agreed upon with your company.

  • πŸ” The platform is secured by ISO-27001 and SSL encryption.

Any doubt or question? Drop us an email at - we will be happy to answer you. πŸ’β€β™€οΈ

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