If you notice a blocked or a clogged drain, this may cause issues in the future
such as escape of water through caulking and seals on pipe joints. It is a good
idea to identify the issue as it may be as simple as soap scum, hair or even
grease. You can try using a plunger or a specialist product to help with this. Make
sure to handle these products with extreme care as they may be hazardous and
follow the instructions carefully.
If this doesn’t help and your drains are still blocked, you may want to try clearing
out the u bend pipe. It may be a messy job – so make sure to wear gloves. You
can do this by starting to unscrew the pipe, and let the water drain into the
bucket. When the water has stopped dripping, finish unscrewing the pipe and
remove it completely. Clear out the bend with warm water and disinfectant
before reconnecting it.
If there is an emergency relating to the blockage of, or damage to the waste
pipes causing a blockage or a wastewater leak make sure to contact the home
emergency team. If there is significant or permanent damage caused by
wastewater leaks you can contact the home insurance team.
Home emergency claims: 03337 595106
You can complete a Home Emergency claim online here.