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Help asking for a SKIPTAX invoice

get an invoice in the name of SKIPTAX in the stores

Alexandre avatar
Written by Alexandre
Updated over 2 months ago

Show this page to the seller to get an invoice : If the store asks for a KBIS, click hereBonjour, j'effectue des achats pour le compte de la société SKIPTAX !J'ai BESOIN d'obtenir une facture commerciale au nom de SKIPTAX. Je ne veux pas un bordereau de détaxe mais une facture !La facture peut également contenir mon nom/prénom C/O SKIPTAX. Ci dessous toutes les informations : Merci d'avance !

Nom Prénomc/o Skiptax 76 Rue de la Pompe75016 ParisSIRET: 84317492100026

TVA: FR00843174921

✏️ Note :

  • Before making payment for your goods, request a Skiptax invoice from the store. Many stores have the ability to generate invoices on the spot through their cash register software.

  • Simply provide the store staff with the necessary information.

  • Only SKIPTAX's name is required on the invoice. If the seller can't add the address or SIRET/VAT number, that's no problem.

  • It is important to note that stores are obligated by law to provide an invoice upon request.

  • Note that your name can appear on the invoice if you wish for warranty reasons.

  • Make sure the store doesn't give you a tax free form from an other tax refund company, we can't accept it !

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