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Setting up your BrightSign Series 3 or Series 4 device

This article provides you with the steps of manually installing Signagelive on your BrightSign 3 and 4 series devices.

Joe Turone avatar
Written by Joe Turone
Updated over 10 months ago

This article should be used as a guide to assist you with installing Signagelive on your BrightSign 3 and 4 series devices. These instructions will walk you through manually installing Signagelive from your BrightSign's out-of-the-box state.

Requirements before you begin:

  • A supported Brightsign device (listed here)

  • A Brightsign-supported SD card (details here)

  • Appropriate power & display cables

  • An ethernet cable or Brightsign WiFi module

1. Ensure you are running the correct firmware

Begin by powering on your supported BrightSign device without a microSD card inserted. This will cause the Player to power on and display the hardware information and the currently installed firmware version on the connected display.

Next, check that your device is running at least the minimum recommended/supported firmware (8.2.72 for 3 and 4 series devices), and if not, install the recommended firmware. You can find the firmware files and installation steps here.

2. Generate your configuration files

The configuration files tell your Player what timezone, resolution, screen rotation (and so much more!) that it should use. All of this information is bundled into a single settings.json file that you'll need to create and then place onto the SD card of the Player. To do this:

  • Fill in the required fields in the “Configuration” area of the page

  • Press the “Generate” button

  • This will then automatically download the settings.json file

Your device is configured to connect to the internet using the ethernet port via DHCP by default. Should you wish to change the network settings (or you're using a Wi-Fi module for your device), please see the optional Network Configuration step below:

(Optional) Network Configuration

  • Scroll down to the “Networking” section

  • Configure the Networking Mode for your Player, from either DHCP/Static IP

    • If choosing Static IP, enter all other configuration options

  • Select your Connection Type from either ethernet or Wifi (Wifi Requires optional Wifi Adapter Module)

    • If choosing Wifi, add SSID and Passphrase details

  • Press Generate

  • This will then automatically download the network.json file

3. Imaging your microSD card and installing Signagelive

With your device now running the correct firmware and your configuration files ready, you can now proceed with installing Signagelive.

  • Download the latest Signagelive Client here.

  • Select the folder on your laptop and “extract all” to the root of the micro SD card. (The "root" is the main directory where all the other folders and files are located)

  • Add the settings.json file you downloaded to the data folder on the microSD card.

  • Optionally, if you generated one, add the network.json file to the data folder.

  • Remove the microSD card from your laptop and insert it into the powered-off BrightSign Player

  • Power on your BrightSign Player

Your BrightSign Player will now launch and, after downloading its content, show the Signagelive activation code. This should then be activated on your Signagelive Network using one of your active licences. When the Player next successfully performs its content check, you’ll see the green tick appear to let you know the display has been successfully connected to Signagelive.

For further information on Activating your player, please see this corresponding article.

How should my microSD card look after I have followed the steps above?

Once configured, your microSD card should have the following structure:

  • data

    • settings.json

    • network.json - optional if you configured the network

    • sandboxUnsupportedUrls.json - included in .zip package

  • node_modules

  • scripts

  • autorun.brs

  • Index.html


What if I intend to synchronize multiple BrightSign devices?

If you intend to synchronise your BrightSign devices, please check the guidance here.

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