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Creating Sync Groups
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over 12 months ago

How do I create a Sync Group?

Please Note

The Sync group feature is not supported for use with Signagelive layouts of any kind at this time.

To learn more about creating new Sync Groups, watch this short video:

To create a new Sync Group, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your Signagelive Network as a User or Administrator

  • Select Network

  • Select Sync Groups

  • Press Add (blue + button)

  • Select Sync Group

  • Name your Sync Group

    • You can not have two identically named Sync Groups, each must be uniquely named

  • Press Save

Your Sync Group will now be added to the Sync Groups list.

How do I add Players to my Sync Group?

You can add any Unsynced Player to a Sync Group. Use the Unsynced Player filter to see all available Players and simply drag the chosen Players into your Sync Group.

Please Note

A Sync Group can only contain one Player Type (eg. Samsung Tizen Players only). If you try to add multiple Player Types, only the first, supported Player will be added to your group and you will be notified of the error occurring.

How do I remove Players from my Sync Group?

You can remove any player from a Sync Group. Select any player and click the Remove from Sync Group button or option on the player contextual menu. The player will be available on the Unsynced Player smart folder.

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