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How to add and use Apps?
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over 12 months ago

Apps are available within the Signagelive Marketplace and can be added directly to your Signagelive Network. You can add any of the content within the Marketplace by following these steps:

  • Log in to your Signagelive Network

  • Select Content

  • Select Playlists

  • Select Create/ Edit

  • Click the blue Add button

  • Select From the Marketplace

  • Browse through the contents and use the Add button to add one or more contents to your Signagelive Network

  • Exit the Marketplace

  • Open the ‘Recently Added’ Smart Folder

Your recently added Apps (and other content) will be shown at the top of the Recently Added contents list and you can use these within a Playlist as with any other content type.

How can I change an app's Default Properties?

Once added to your Network, you can open each of the app's properties and change its Editable Properties. Take a look at this video to learn more:

Can I change the values shown just on a particular version of an App?

To add an App to a Playlist, simply drag it into the Playlist area and to access its properties, click the menu (3 dots on the right of the Playlist Media Asset) or double click it. Once in a Playlist, you can alter its Editable Properties, but these changes will only be made to the App being used in the Playlist, not to the Default App Asset stored in your Asset Library (which will keep the editable properties given to the default version of the Asset).

Learn more about editing an App as a Playlist Media Asset by watching this video:

How do I create a Playlist using Apps?

To learn more about creating a Playlist using Apps, watch this video:

How can I show a single App in a Layout?

You can also embed a single App within a Layout by using a Static Zone. This App will always be shown within the Layout and for as long as the Layout is Scheduled to show on your display.

You can learn more about this in this article

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