☝️ Contacts are individual persons or organizations that you intend to get in touch with to offer your products or services.
In this tutorial, you'll get an overview of the Contacts section in Samdock.
Why is it important to keep track of your contacts?
In the beginning, it’s possible that you’ll clearly remember all the details of your prospects and leads: where they came from, who they are, what are their requirements. As your business grows, you’ll see that it’ll get a bit more complicated to follow up with all the interactions that you’ll have. This is when Samdock comes in handy. Storing the details of your interactions with all your contacts will help you prioritize your deals, and stay on top of your relationships with your prospect or lead to make them feel taken care of.
Contacts: persons and organizations
As we mentioned before, in Samdock contacts can be persons or organizations:
Persons: individuals, people that you're negotiating a deal with
Organizations: companies and institutions
Organize your contacts
Right below the title of this section, you'll find the filters to organize the view, the way in which you'll visualize the data.
Export view to .csv
Click on Export view to download this view to a .csv file, exactly with all your selected filters and sorting applied.
Add a contact
You can manually add a contact by clicking on Add a contact from the upper right corner of the screen.
Click on Person if you'd like to add an individual and add all the basic information.
Click on Organization if you'd like to add a company or an institution and fill in the information.
Search this view
Type any word or term you'd like to search within this view, with all its filters and sorting applied. It can be a name, or even a word like "coffee" if you remember writing that down on a note in a specific contact, for example.
Amount of persons and organizations
The icon to the left indicates the number of organizations within your contacts.
The icon to the right indicates the number of persons within your contacts
In this section, you'll find all your contacts and an overview of their stage, state of the deal, attached open tasks, status, and quick shortcuts to call or send an email.