Follow these steps to successfully complete your KYC process.
Step 1: After logging in to your account, to initiate the KYC, please click “start KYC” at the top of the Dashboard page. You will be forwarded to a new page from our verification partner Sumsub.
Step 2: To prepare for this process, please prepare the following:
A mobile phone with up-to-date software.
A valid ID card or passport.
Upload proof of address (no screenshots), not older than 3 months, with your full name stated on it, and must be one of the following document types:
Correspondence with an acknowledged government agency
Bank statement (day/week/month/year overview)
Credit card statement (day/week/month/year overview)
Utility bills linked to your address: e.g. gas, water, electricity, or internet bill.
Step 3: After you’ve completed Sumsub’s verification procedure you will be informed on whether your KYC was successful or not. In case you are not approved due to your proof of address, please take a look at this article for potential reasons and solutions.The verification process typically takes around 5 minutes to complete.
Step 4: After finalizing the KYC process on Sumsub, you will be directed back to the Dashboard. You will also receive an email informing you about the outcome of your KYC process.
Are residency permits accepted as ID?
In some countries, residency permits can serve as valid forms of identification. This means that individuals holding residency permits can use them as official identification documents on the platform. User can verify their identity using a residency permit from the following countries: UAE, Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, Netherlands and Spain.
What is KYC, and why do I need to complete it on the platform?
As an investment platform, Prop complies with national regulations which require us by law to identify our investors to prevent illegal practices (i.e., money laundering). Your data is usually only needed to identify you and to activate your Prop account through a swift and easy Know Your Customer (KYC) process.
How long does it take to complete the KYC process?
The active part of the process typically lasts between 2 to 10 minutes. During this time, you will need to provide us with all the necessary documents and images required for the jurisdiction you are signing up from. After submitting your information, you will receive a verdict on whether or not the KYC process was successful almost immediately.
Please make sure you use correct and clear documents as stated in the requirements for optimal processing times.
What should I do if I am having trouble uploading my KYC document?
Please follow the instructions to the best of your ability. If you still cannot manage to complete the process yourself, get in touch with us by raising a ticket through the chat or sending an email to
How will my personal information be used once I have completed the KYC application?
It will be stored securely at our certified KYC provider. After we activate your account, this information is monitored and you might be requested to update information in case some documents expire. We only use it to identify you as a valid, human investor.
Is my information secure during and after KYC on
KYC information is stored securely in the environment of a certified KYC provider. Access is restricted to limited legally binding scenarios.
For more information about data storage we kindly invite you to check our Terms & Conditions and Privacy policy.
What happens if my KYC is rejected? What should I do?
In the case of rejection, you will always get another chance to upload a different document or take better clearer pictures. To find out why exactly your application was rejected, please send an email to for assistance.
Why do I need to fill out a questionnaire about my income, expected deposit, and withdrawal amounts?
To comply with the AML Directive-5 (EU-Law), we are required to conduct Customer Due Diligence (CDD). This involves gathering information to prevent and combat Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. By asking these questions, we are able to better understand our clients and their financial activities.
Why is my country not accepted?
Your country may not be accepted due to the high risk of Money Laundering and terrorist financing (AML-CTF), which results in being blacklisted by the FATF. Another reason may be due to securitization regulations in a specific country (for example, the U.S.). Our CSPs also have the right to reject countries based on their own internal policies.
Please Note: does not currently operate in all countries, please click here to see if your country or region is within the operational border.