Working with LLM's
Working with LLM's
Q: How do you cope with Hallucinations?
We work to reduce hallucinations, by giving the AI context and constraints based on real life use case and examples. We work with the community to test and adjust the product and fit the healthcare use case and diligently as possible. We also know that there is no AI without hallucinations and rely on the medical professional to be in control and be the one approving the content. Beside the censoring and correction mechanisms that we implement in our system, ultimately the care give is the last line of defence against sporadic hallucinations.
Q: Does OurMind Ai learn form my adjustments?
Unfortunately, OurMind does not yet learn from your adjustments. We are currently making the necessary legal preparations for this. In the meantime, if you have adjustments, you can always provide various examples so we can review them.
Privacy and Safety
Privacy and Safety
Q: Is it possible to receive test results from hospitals?
No (this is owned by the hospital and not by OurMind). What we can share is the confirmation that we passed. And we are available if you want to perform a pen test or DPIA. Please inform us in advance
Q: Can personally identifiable data be recognised and adjusted/anonymised?
Yes. But SOEP are almost always free of PII data. Nonetheless OurMind does not keep the data for more than 72h and users can even choose to delete to not keep it at all in their settings. PII data, when relevant to the patient case is important to be present in the medical summary. Here again OurMind relies on the care giver's judgement
Q: Is het mogelijk om de stijl van SOEP in te richten naar eigen voorkeur. BV ABCDE systematiek in de O regel? Middels een eigen format wellicht?
Yes it is possible to set instructions to OurMind to customise the output of the SOEP. This can be done by providing examples of what the O line looks like and instructions to the AI on how to formulate it.
Q: Is it possible to choose an expanded or concise SOEP?
Yes, this is part of the user onboarding and can be changed at any time per user.
Q: OurMind cannot find a microphone
Check your browser and computer settings. You may still need to grant permission to use the microphone.
Q: I am not receiving a code via email
Q: The code via email is delayed
Q: I am not receiving a code via email and now I get a message saying I have reached the maximum number of attempts.
Q: OurMind generates a transcript but no summary
When OurMind generates a transcript but no summary, you can still create a summary. Open the consultation again and use the action button to generate a new summary. If this does not work, please contact our helpdesk.Q: OurMind generates neither a transcript nor a summary
Q: OurMind generates an incorrect summary (Actinic keratosis, whooping cough)
These are example consultations provided to OurMind as references. Unfortunately, these sometimes ‘bleed through’ into the summary. Often, regenerating the summary via the actions button resolves the issue.Q: OurMind is slow or unresponsive
This is often due to the local internet connection. Reconnecting to the internet can help.Q: OurMind displays the message “no messages received from the stream”
This seems to be a microphone issue. Check if it is properly connected.