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Phone Support and Fair Usage Policy
Updated over 2 months ago

If you have an Ultimate Support Package, you can reach our customer support team directly. Before you make the call, please have your OfficeRnD customer number and review the scope of service to understand how our team can help you. Your customer number helps us match your call with your profile in OfficeRnD, which greatly reduces the time needed for customer identification.

How to find your OfficeRnD customer number

Reach out to, and we'll provide the number.

Support phone numbers

USA and Canada

You can call our support team toll-free at +1 888 307 1053.

Support team availability: 08:00 - 20:00 EDT Mon - Fri

United Kingdom

You can call our support team toll-free at +44-8000668187.

Support team availability: 08:00 - 19:00 GMT Mon - Fri

Scope of service

The phone support line is opened to allow you to escalate an open ticket, inform us of a critical issue, or get an update on an existing support case. While our team will do everything possible to address all your questions, the phone line is not the best channel for investigating issues, which is why we would recommend using it in the following cases:

  • To report a Critical - SEV 1 issue on the platform, preventing the platform from functioning normally, and there is no workaround to enable you to continue executing your business operations.

  • To report a Restricted Operations - SEV 2 issue that may restrict the platform's usage but does not prevent it from operating.

  • The platform stopped working for your organization, or you experienced system downtime. You have checked the OfficeRnD Status Page, and it states all systems seem operational. Call our team to alert us of the situation, and we'll investigate it.

  • To get a status update on a submitted ticket.

  • To raise the severity of an already submitted ticket.

  • To ask us a quick general question about how a feature or a process works in OfficeRnD.

Fair usage policy

As a part of our commitment to providing excellent quality and reliable service to all our existing and new customers, OfficeRnD has a fair usage policy that governs phone support services. The fair usage policy contains usage guidelines for OfficeRnD customers using the phone support services to ensure they use the service reasonably and are aware of any additional support charges they may become subject to.

Why do we have a fair usage policy?

While we encourage customers to use our phone support services, we want to ensure that we can provide the most effective service to all customers. If a single customer places very high demands on the support service over the phone, this may affect the experience for other users.

What are the Fair Usage Policy Limits?

The usage of the OfficeRnD phone support line is monitored continuously. The fair usage policy affects only customers who consistently generate exceptionally high loads over a sustained period of time. The policy is currently defined according to the limits detailed below, but OfficeRnD has the right to change these limits.

Support calls that exceed 20 minutes will be subject to this policy unless the support specialist deems it necessary to have a long phone conversation while working to resolve the call successfully. OfficeRnD reserves the right to ask customers who exceed the 20-minute limit to schedule a troubleshooting screen-sharing session if the context of the phone conversation requires additional investigation on the customer's side.

Customers can phone up to 16 monthly telephone support tickets per account paying for phone support. Support time over that limit may be subject to review and additional charges.

Customers who use the phone support service as a training tool will be asked to schedule a training session with our product specialists. For more details, review our training packages.

What happens if you are affected by the fair usage policy?

If you are affected, we will contact your account holder by telephone or email to inform them that your excessive usage affects other customers. We will then discuss your support needs with them and offer alternative solutions to address them. If your usage remains excessively high, OfficeRnD reserves the right to restrict service or levy charges for excessive usage.

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