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Email Support and Severity Levels
Updated over 2 months ago

You can contact our support team via chat or email. This article explains how to email us and how we will handle your request. Alternatively, learn more about our chat support β†’

Send us an email

Send us an email at We will review your request and handle it based on its severity and your support subscription.

Ticket severity levels

When you send us an email, we will open a ticket for you and assign it a severity level.

The severity of a ticket can increase its priority in the support queue as it indicates the business impact of the issue on your end.



Critical / SEV 1

A problem is preventing the platform from functioning normally, and there is no workaround to enable you to continue executing your business operations.

Restricted Operations / SEV 2

A less severe problem that may restrict the platform's usage but does not prevent it from operating.

Normal / SEV 3

Questions and feedback on the platform features and functionality.

First response time

The first response time reflects the average time it takes for someone from our team to contact you and provide information about the next steps we will take to resolve it.


First Response Time


First Response Time


Critical / SEV 1



Restricted Operations / SEV 2



Normal / SEV 3



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