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[Flex] Push Notifications
Updated over 2 months ago

Push Notifications (PNs) are a simple way of alerting users to information they have opted-in to from apps and services. They are similar in that way to an SMS message, but imagine it comes from an app on your phone. Clients have full control over Push Notifications and can stop/mute them anytime.

You can’t send a push notification to yourself! i.e., the admin who is the creator of the post/event/message, if logged with the same account in the mobile app, will never receive a push notification for the created entity.

Availability of this feature

Push Notifications are available for the Members app and Branded Apps if you purchase the Premium Apps add-on. Once you purchase this add-on, the ORnD Team will enable Push Notifications.

Note: Push Notifications will only work if a client logs into an organization with Push Notifications enabled.

Note: Push Notifications are always available for Trial accounts to let them trial the full capabilities of our platform.

Types of Push Notifications

Below is a list of the available types of push notifications. Please note that currently, there is no way to configure which is enabled and which is not. They are all enabled when PNs are turned on.

1. Admin Posts Push Notifications

  • An admin post:
    This notification is triggered whenever an admin posts something via Collaboration/Posts.
    ---Action: If a user clicks on the PN, they are redirected to the Feed screen and scrolled down to the post.

  • An event:
    This notification is triggered whenever an admin posts something via Collaboration/Events.
    ---Action: If a user clicks on the PN, they are redirected to the detailed page of the Event in the mobile app.

2. Admin Messages Push Notification

  • An admin message:
    This notification is triggered whenever an admin sends a message via Collaboration/Messages.
    ---Action: If a user clicks on the PN, they are redirected to the Inbox page in the mobile app where they can see the message.
    Note: Members sending each other messages in the member portal do not trigger a PN.

3. Visitor App Push Notification

  • A visitor:
    This notification is triggered whenever a person uses the Visitor Hub App as a visitor and picks you in the "Who Are You Visiting?" field.
    ---Action: If a user clicks on the PN, they are redirected to the Inbox page in the mobile app where they can see the detailed message related to the visit.

  • A Delivery:
    This notification is triggered whenever you are picked for delivery in the Visitor Hub App.
    ---Action: If a user clicks on the PN, they are redirected to the Inbox page in the mobile app where they can see the detailed message related to the delivery.

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