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[Workplace] Microsoft Entra ID SCIM Provisioning
[Workplace] Microsoft Entra ID SCIM Provisioning
Updated over 2 months ago

You can further enhance your OfficeRnD Workplace Microsoft Entra ID SSO with SCIM user provisioning. The Microsoft Entra ID Provisioning Service provides users with SaaS apps and other systems by connecting to a System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) 2.0 user management API endpoint provided by the application vendor. This SCIM endpoint allows Azure AD to programmatically create and update users. In this article, you'll learn how to use this functionality.


  • We recommend managing and editing employees mainly in your Azure Active Directory. It will save you from keeping two platforms up to date.

  • OfficeRnD supports a Multi-team structure - one employee can be part of several Teams. The first synced Azure group will be their Primary team. If they are part of other groups you decide to provision, they will be assigned to the person as Additional teams.


  • If the employee record is synced from your Active directory, you can edit their Team(s) in OfficeRnD. This will not affect your AD structure in any way.

  • Please bear in mind that if an employee leaves the company and their profile is deleted from the Active Directory, they will not be deleted from Workplace but will be labeled as Former. If they had any bookings in the system, they will be kept as well. Any future bookings of the said employee must be canceled manually.

Enable SCIM

  1. Optional step - Set up SSO with Microsoft Entra ID

  2. Go to Settings > Integrations and Activate the SCIM User Provisioning integration.

  3. Click Configure to obtain the SCIM Base URL and SCIM Secret:


Azure Active Directory Set Up

  1. Open Microsoft Entra ID and select Enterprise applications


  2. Click + New application then + Create your own application.


  3. Choose “Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery)” and click Create.

  4. Click Provisioning on the left-hand side menu and click Get started.

  5. Switch the Mode to Automatic and fill in the following fields:

    • Tenant URL - copy the value from SCIM Base URL found in your OfficeRnD SCIM integration and paste it here.

    • Secret Token - copy the value from SCIM Secret found in your OfficeRnD SCIM integration and paste it here.

  6. Test Connection - if the test is successful, a green tick will be in the display name.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Go to Provisioning > Manage provisioning > Edit attribute mappings > Mappings and click Provision Azure Active Directory Users.


  9. Change the one mapped to “external id” to source ObjectID.

  10. Change the one mapped to “active” to the expression Not([IsSoftDeleted]).

  11. Delete all irrelevant so that you are left only with the ones on the screenshot (More info on the attributes you can find at the bottom of this article):


  12. Go back to Provisioning > Manage provisioning > Edit attribute mappings > Mappings and click Provision Azure Active Directory Groups

  13. Click show advanced settings and click Edit attribute list for customappsso.

  14. Go to the members row and in the column Reference Object Attribute remove the first checkbox “Group”

  15. Create a new attribute “description”, type “string” (More info on the attributes you can find at the bottom of this article).


  16. Click Save.

  17. As an optional step, you can map the source description to the new description attribute.


  18. Add your Active Directory Users and Groups.


  19. Go to Provisioning and click Start Provisioning.

Which Microsoft Entra ID Attributes Can be "customized" or Changed?

Every Microsoft Entra ID is managed differently, with various fields per Group or User. Most of the attributes you are mapping for Groups and Users cannot be "customized" (changed) as they are vital for the integration.

For those that can be changed, please only edit the source attributes. Source attributes are those on the left representing Azure fields. Target attributes are on the right, representing OfficeRnD mandatory fields.

User Mappings

  • userPrincipalName / userName - This field requires a unique email address. We do not recommend using a property different than userPrincipalName, unless you are certain that the field you'd like to use will always pass the user's email address. Difference in the email address in OfficeRnD and Azure results in an inability to log into our platform. Any changes here are at your own discretion.

  • Not({isSoftDeleted}) / active - No changes applicable here. Used to inform OfficeRnD if the user has been removed from provisioning and marks them as Former.

  • displayName / displayName - This attribute can be changed on the source side to another Azure field that you'd like to use. The value should remain as displayName on the target side. Provides information about the "name" of a user.

  • objectId / externalId - No changes applicable here. Used to match users across both platforms to ensure no duplications are created on our end.

Group Mappings

  • displayName / displayName - This attribute can be changed on the source side to another Azure field that you'd like to use. The value should remain as displayName on the target side. Provides information about the "name" of a group.

  • objectId / externalId - No changes applicable here. Used to match users across both platforms to ensure no duplications are created on our end.

  • members / members - No changes applicable here. Used to match users placed under the groups across both platforms to ensure no duplications are created on our end.

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