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[Workplace] Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication
Updated over a month ago

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites by using just one set of credentials. In other words, SSO is the capability of a system to share login credentials with another system. The benefits of using SSO are the following:

  • You must remember fewer passwords.

  • Simplifies username and password management for admins.

  • Reduces security risks for your organization and employees.

  • Increases login speed and eases the onboarding of new employees to the system.

In OfficeRnD Workplace, you can enable SSO for both the Web and Admin portals and enable your employees to log in using your SSO provider. Our clients most commonly use external SSO providers, such as Google's GSuite and Microsoft Azure.

Keep in mind that when you activate an SSO authentication, the following OfficeRnD Workplace authentication services are disabled:

  • The standard login with an OfficeRnD Workplace user and password.

  • The "Reset password" links in OfficeRnD Workplace.

  • The token for authentication is what employees receive when invited to the Member Portal.

Add the Workplace Mobile App to InTune

Follow this article to learn how to add the Workplace Android App to Mobile Device Management in InTune.

Enable SSO authentication

You can set up SSO with every OpenID Connect provider. Below are the general setup steps that apply to most providers.

1. Log in to your identity provider account.

2. Go to your applications.

3. Create a new application for OfficeRnD Workplace.

5. Go to Settings > Integrations.

6. Look for SSO Authentication and click Activate.

sso auth 1.png

4. Next, click Configure.


5. In the Edit Authentication Integration dialog below, copy the Base URL (7) and Return URL (8) values and use them with your identity provider account to complete the configuration.

6. Copy the Client IDClient Secret, and Discovery URL from within your identity provider and paste them into the corresponding fields (2, 3, 4) in the dialog.

7. Enter a Title in the field (1). Remember that this title appears on the login button for your employees - “Login with {Title}”.

8. (optional) Enter Custom Scopes (can be space-separated) in the field (6).

9. (optional) Enable Automatic Account Activation (9).

11. Click Update to save the changes.

How to set up SSO with specific providers

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