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[Integration] Ezeep legacy
Updated over 3 months ago

The following steps will help you set up OfficeRnD and the legacy ezeep integration.

Ezeep Blue

The ezeep Blue is the new version of the software. Learn how to integrate ezeep Blue to Flex →

The legacy version of ezeep is no longer available, and you can only connect to ezeep Blue.

Please note the following:

  • Both versions use separate accounts, and you won't be able to use an account from ezeep Blue to connect the legacy ezeep integration.

Group Sync

Reach out to ezeep if you want the integration to add users to a particular OfficeRnD group in your ezeep account. They can create the group for you, and the integration will sync all your users. Note that the group's name needs to be OfficeRnD.

How to connect the integration

  1. Navigate to the "Settings" tab, click "Integrations" and look for ezeep.

  2. Click "Activate" and then "Connect." You need to use an administrator ezeep account when you are connecting the integration; otherwise, it might not function properly! Here is what the authentication dialog looks like:

After you "Connect" ezeep to OfficeRnD, a window will appear with two tabs:

  • Members Management

  • Fees Management

Members management settings


Initially, the tab will only show the first option "Allow OfficeRND to manage ezeep users".
If you enable this option, you can manage how your OfficeRND users are synced. This means that when the integration synchronizes, all members who fit the sync rules will be added as users in Ezeep, and all members who no longer fit the rules will be removed from your Ezeep account.

Once the option is enabled, you'll be able to configure the following mappings in order to choose the members that are synced to ezeep:

  • Plans – all members assigned memberships with the billing plans you choose here will be synced to ezeep. More on billing plans here.

    Note: If a plan is assigned to a company but a member isn't specified, then every member will be synced to ezeep. If a plan is assigned to a specific member of a company, only that specific member will be synced to ezeep.

  • Locations – all members assigned to the select location will be synced to ezeep.

  • Member Statuses – All members assigned the selected status will be synced to ezeep. More on member statuses here.

Note: Any member who matches at least one of the mapping conditions will be synced to ezeep.

Example: If a member has been assigned to a location that should be synced but hasn't been assigned one of the chosen plans from the mapping, they will still be synced to ezeep, as they match at least one of the mappings.

Fees management settings


Initially, the tab will only show the first option "Allow OfficeRnD to automatically charge for printing".
If you enable this option, OfficeRND will automatically add a one-off fee to the member's profile for each printed page with ezeep according to the billing plans you specify below.

Here you can map a billing plan for each type of copy that's been used by the member.
The price of 1 copy will be determined by the price of the billing plan.
The copy can be either 1-sided or 2-sided and be one of the following sizes and colors:

  • A4 B&W

  • A4 Color

  • A3 B&W

  • A3 Color

Note: The 2-sided price set here should also be for one page, not both sides of the sheet of paper. This means that if you have to print four pages and choose 1-sided printing, you will use up four sheets of paper and generate four 1-sided fees.
On the other hand, if you have to print 4 pages and choose 2-sided printing, you will use up 2 sheets of paper and generate 4 2-sided fees. Therefore, it's usually a good practice to set the price of 2-sided printing slightly lower than 1-sided so you can promote using less paper.

Note: Any sizes not specified here will be charged with the A4 billing plan.
Additionally, if you specify plans only for the A4 size, the A3 size will use the same plans.

Important: If a member is not syncing to ezeep, please check this help article.

Note: If you change the name of the organization slug, all webhooks registered with third-party systems (like Ezeep) will not work, as once you change the org slug, the URLs are no longer valid.

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