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[Integration] QuickBooks
Updated over 2 months ago

OfficeRnD integrates with QuickBooks to save time and streamline your billing and accounting. The integration automates the following procedures:

  • Generate Invoices - on the billing date you set up in OfficeRnD under Settings > Billing Settings > Billing Rules

  • Sync - the customers' profiles and the generated invoices are synced with QuickBooks. You can choose whether to sync invoices automatically or manually during the integration setup.

  • Export Invoice Document - you can configure OfficeRnD not to generate the invoice documents so that QuickBooks can create them for you.

  • Send - you can configure OfficeRnD to automatically send the synced invoices to the members.

  • Pull Charges - you can configure OfficeRnD to automatically pull reconciled payments from QuickBooks and mark the invoices as paid on the OfficeRnD side.


  • We recommend using only one system to charge clients - either OfficeRnD or Xero/Quickbooks - to prevent potential double-charging.

  • QuickBooks does not support the recording of refunds in credit notes. Please see our article on what you can do in this case.

  • Avoid connecting multiple QuickBooks accounts to the same location or all locations. Data that was already synced to one account can cause serious mismatches and synchronization between the two systems will fail, if you try to sync it again after connecting another account.

  • The integration only pulls charges that contain Invoice or Journal entry transactions. We are working on the ability to sync more transaction types (such as Deposit).

Integrate OfficeRnD with QuickBooks

Note: Safari will throw an error if you use it to open QuickBooks configuration settings. To avoid this, please use Google Chrome.

To set up your OfficeRnD and QuickBooks integration, you must first have both OfficeRnD and QuickBooks accounts.

1. Go to Settings > Integrations.

2. Locate the QuickBooks box under the Accounting section and click Add.


3. Select the location you will integrate (or leave the field blank to connect to all locations) and click Add.

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Note: By default, the system will connect the QuickBooks integration with all OfficeRnD locations. However, you can connect each location created in OfficeRnD to a specific QuickBooks account. This way, you can map the same OfficeRnD billing plans to different QuickBooks products or services based purely on the location of the customers being invoiced.

4. Click Activate.

5. Click Connect and authorize OfficeRnD to use your QuickBooks account.


6. Click Configure to configure the way OfficeRnD and QuickBooks share information.

General Configurations

Depending on how you set up the integration, OfficeRnD will let QuickBooks know when a new invoice is generated and updated. OfficeRnD can also regularly ask QuickBooks to update invoice payments. You control whether this is automated or manually triggered.

Each synchronization contains information about the invoices and their line items, which is why you need to configure mappings between the attributes of the invoice line items in OfficeRnD and QuickBooks - tax rates, plans, payment accounts - by which you help OfficeRnD translate the invoice data into the language of QuickBooks.

The general configuration settings are available under the General tab.

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  • Sync Behavior - configure the sync behavior so that invoices are synced manually or automatically when you create or update them in OfficeRnD.

    • Pull charges automatically - tell the system if you want it to automatically pull charges from QuickBooks. When that option is enabled, invoices reconciled in QuickBooks will be automatically marked as Paid on the OfficeRnD side.

    • Allow multi-currency mode - set this option if you have configured your QuickBooks account to support multiple currencies. This option allows OfficeRnD to send the currency code along with each invoice so that QuickBooks understands the exact currency in which the invoice should be created.

Note: Setting your "Sync behavior" to manually in conjunction with disabling "We'll generate invoices in OfficeRnD" and "We'll generate invoice documents in OfficeRnD" means that numbers and .pdf files for invoices will appear only after manually syncing an invoice for the first time.

Additionally, if you're using a purchase flow that sends invoices automatically, it won't work.
The reason for this is that invoices require a manual sync to QuickBooks when they're created in order for them to get a .pdf. Without a generated .pdf file, an invoice cannot be sent to customers.

  • Message displayed on invoice - If you generate the invoice documents in QuickBooks, you can set a template to populate the message displayed on invoice property in QuickBooks. This property in QuickBooks is essentially a private note that can be added at the end of the invoice document.

  • Statement Memo - If you generate the invoice documents in QuickBooks, you can set a template to populate the invoice Statement memo property in QuickBooks. This property in QuickBooks is essentially a summary of a transaction that appears on the customer’s next statement.

You can use the following OfficeRnD placeholders in this template: documentNumber, documentReference, customerName, customerEmail.

Configure Payment Accounts

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The Payment Accounts tab enables you to map every payment option available in OfficeRnD to a payment account in QuickBooks. On the left-hand side, it lists all payment options in OfficeRnD, starting with the manual payment options and listing any options provided by an integrated payment provider.

  • Cash - Map to a QuickBooks payment account to record cash payments manually entered on invoices in OfficeRnD.

  • Bank Transfer- Map to a QuickBooks payment account to record bank transfer payments manually entered on invoices in OfficeRnD.

  • POS - Map to a QuickBooks payment account to record POS payments manually entered on invoices in OfficeRnD.

  • Cheque - Map to a QuickBooks payment account to record cheque payments manually entered on invoices in OfficeRnD.

  • [Payment provider] Card - This option is only available if you have integrated OfficeRnD with a credit card payment provider. Map to a QuickBooks payment account to record credit card payments charged via OfficeRnD.

  • [Payment provider] Payment Method - This option is only available if you integrate OfficeRnD with a payment provider that officers non-credit card transactions such as ACH. Map to a QuickBooks payment account to record the payments charged via OfficeRnD.

Configure Tax Rates

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The Tax Rates tab enables you to map every tax rate you configured in OfficeRnD under Billing & Products/Tax Rates to a tax rate in QuickBooks. Make sure to map every tax rate, including the 0 tax rate options; otherwise, the integration will yield errors.

Configure Tracking


The Tracking tab allows you to track invoice line items in QuickBooks based on the location of the invoice in QuickBooks.

  • Track location by - select whether you want to use Classes or Locations in QuickBooks to tag the invoices.

  • [Location Name] - map every OfficeRnD location to a class or location property in QuickBooks so that OfficeRnD knows how to translate the invoice location to QuickBooks. Based on that setting, you will be able to track the revenue streams per location.

Note: Please note that according to the Pricing list of QuickBooks, the Simple Start and Essentials plans do not support Track inventory and Track project profitability.

Configure Products & Services

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The Products & Services tab is the most important tab for integration. Within it, you "translate" the plans configured in OfficeRnD under Billing & Products/Plans to products or services you created in QuickBooks. This is how OfficeRnD knows which products and services to put on an invoice that is synced with QuickBooks so that they can be properly accounted for in the QuickBooks reports.

  • Plans - In the upper half of the tab, you'll find a list of all Billing Plans configured in OfficeRnD. Each must be mapped to a product or a service in QuickBooks.

Important: OfficeRnD doesn't map billing plans to QuickBooks categories. If you are using categories in QuickBooks, make sure to map the OfficeRnD billing plans to the proper products/services in QuickBooks, and the categories will be automatically applied on the QuickBooks end.

  • Default Accounts - map the default OfficeRnD revenue accounts to a product or a service in QuickBooks. To change the default OfficeRnD revenue accounts, go to Settings > Billing Settings > Revenue Accounts.

When you connect OfficeRnD to a QuickBooks instance invoicing other products or services outside of what OfficeRnD invoices, we recommend using the QuickBooks numbering to avoid the two systems duplicating invoice numbers. In that case, go to Settings > Billing Settings > Billing Rules and deselect the Generate invoice numbers in OfficeRnD option. In this case, you must disable Custom transaction numbers in Quickbooks.

If you let OfficeRnD generate the invoice numbers, make sure to enable the Custom transaction numbers in QuickBooks. To find that setting, open QuickBooks in a new tab, click on the cogwheel and select Company Settings. Open the Sales tab and under Sales from Content select the Custom transaction numbers option.‎


Customer Creation & Sync from Flex to QuickBooks

When we sync an Invoice of a company or member for the first time, we attempt to validate the contact in QuickBooks with the following steps:

1. If the Flex company/team has an email, we search QuickBooks for customers with the same email address.

2. If we find matching customer(s) by email in QB, we check for a matching name (billing name if present, the actual name of the member/company if not) in Flex and link them. If no customer matches by name, we link the first customer who matched by email.

3. If we don't find a QB customer by email or name, we create a new customer in QB. If the Flex customer is a company, we set the name of the company.

Once we link a customer, we don't unlink them. We update them in QB if their contact details are changed in Flex. Please note:

  • If you remove/delete payment(with source OficeRnD) from QB and manually sync the invoice from OfficeRnD, this will be removed/deleted in OfficeRnD. If you don't sync the invoice manually from OfficeRnD, the payment will not be removed from OfficeRnD.

  • If you remove/delete a line item/s from QB from an invoice that has a source of payment, it is Quickbooks or OfficeRnD, Quickbooks. Then, manually sync the invoice from (OfficeRnD side). The same line item/s will not be removed from the invoice in OfficeRnD. Still, the corresponding amounts for these line items will be removed from the total price amount in the invoice in OfficeRnD. If you don't manually sync the invoice from OfficeRnD, these changes will not happen/sync in OfficeRnD.

Use Case – Deposit in QB

If you want to apply a deposit to an invoice that was originally created and synced from OfficeRnD to QuickBooks using this method, we won't be able to sync back the deposit to OfficeRnD, and the invoice due amount in OfficeRnD won't change. If you want to decrease the amount due on an invoice by applying a deposit, follow these instructions instead.

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