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Transition from ezeep Legacy to ezeep Blue
Updated over 2 months ago

If you used ezeep Legacy and want to transition to the new ezeep Blue, this article will help you.

Please note that the integration is developed and managed by the Ezeep team. If you have further questions or need additional assistance, contact the Ezeep support team at

Before transitioning

Before migrating from ezeep Legacy to ezeep Blue integration, keep in mind the following:

  • You cannot have both ezeep Legacy and ezeep Blue integrations running simultaneously. Moving the members as soon as possible is important so they do not get confused about printer availability.

  • This legacy version does not yet include the delete user synchronization.

Transition to ezeep Blue

  1. Contact ezeep ( and request a 30-minute meeting via Calendly to review the transition steps.

  2. After the meeting, ezeep will provide you with an action plan, including steps in written format, so that you can plan accordingly.

  3. You can proceed with the action plan at your convenience.

  4. The ezeep team is readily available via phone, Zoom, or email if troubleshooting is necessary.

  5. As part of this process, only after your account has been successfully migrated by ezeep can you enable the new ezeep Blue integration within OfficeRnD.


If you receive the following error message, follow the above steps to migrate to ezeep Blue properly. If the issue persists afterward, contact ezeep ( for further support.


What is the difference between ezeep Legacy and ezeep Blue?

These are two different platforms, and you need separate accounts for both of them. You cannot use your ezeep Legacy account or subscription for ezeep Blue.

Can I just move my Legacy account to ezeep Blue?

No, you must follow the steps outlined above. This is because ezeep Blue is a different platform, and you must start from scratch.

Can I migrate my data from Legacy to Blue?

No, you cannot migrate your data. However, you can sync the users in your OfficeRnD Flex organization to ezeep Blue. An email invitation will be sent to users who are not in ezeep Blue.

Do I need to attend a session call to transition to ezeep Blue?

No, the session call is not required. Ezeep offers you a courtesy call because the integration and the whole platform have changed. The integrations are also different and require different setup steps. Thus, the call session is offered because Ezeep gives you a more detailed customized plan. Refer to this help article from Ezeep for more information.

I don't want to attend the call. What is the action plan for setting up ezeep Blue?

You must first create an account in ezeep Blue and start a free trial. Then, set up your printers, activate or deactivate your integrations, and invite your members to the platform. Each member must create a new account to access the Blue platform.

Should I start with a paid plan in ezeep Blue?

You can start with a 14-day free trial to successfully transition to ezeep Blue. If you need more time, contact Ezeep to extend the trial. Refer to this help article from Ezeep for more information on managing your Ezeep subscription or explore ezeep Blue’s licensing plans and feature set.

Can I use the same email address for ezeep Blue that I used for ezeep Legacy?

You can use the same email address because you will create a new account on a different platform. Your subscription will also be different.

Can I use ezeep Legacy and ezeep Blue at the same time?

Yes, the two integrations can run at the same time. However, we do not recommend that. We recommend you first disable Legacy and then enable Blue. If you encounter any issues, please contact ezeep at

Can I connect to ezeep Legacy if I disconnect it?

You can reactivate your ezeep Legacy integration if you disconnect it due to an issue during the transition. However, we recommend using only the newer ezeep Blue.

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