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Why a Member Does Not Sync to Ezeep
Updated over 2 months ago

When a member does not get added to eZeep, even though it looks like they should be, they may be already in your eZeep account. If that happens, there are a couple of steps we would recommend to make sure their eZeep account is properly connected to their OfficeRnD member:

  1. Verify your eZeep Rules - Before you look for a member in your eZeep account, we recommend verifying the rules by which the eZeep integration synchronizes members. You can review them from Settings > Integrations, in the eZeep Configurations. If the member fits at least one of the rules, they should be automatically added to eZeep. You can find more information about how to set these rules up in our article on how to Set Up Integration with eZeep

  2. Find out if the client was added to eZeep before the OfficeRnD integration was activated.
    There are two possible cases here:

    • When the integration connects OfficeRnD to eZeep, it only changes eZeep users that were added through OfficeRnD. Any members that are manually added to the system would not be affected by the integration, even if these clients are also members of your OfficeRnD account.

    • Another reason for this may be that the member has already been added to another eZeep account. If you cannot find the member in your eZeep and they should be synchronized according to the integration rules, we recommend contacting eZeep's Support team at '' and providing them with the member's email address. That will allow them to remove the client from their system so the integration can add them.

If none of this helps you find out why the member is not added to eZeep, please reach out to us at

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