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Public Booking Checkout Page
Updated over a week ago

The Public Booking Checkout page is a publicly available page where non-members can book more than just meeting rooms. It provides them with a list of all publicly available bookable resources where they can specify:

  • The period in which they want to book the resource.

  • The number of people who would use it.

Public Booking Checkout Process

From a non-member's perspective, the process will look like this:

  1. Open the public booking checkout page and click Book on the selected resource (Desk, Meeting Room, etc.)

  2. Specify the booking settings and review the booking summary.

  3. Proceed with the on-screen instructions through the Create Account, Payment Details, and Summary stages.

Activate the Public Booking Checkout page

  1. Go to Settings > Member Apps > Public Pages.

  2. Select Public Booking Checkout Page.

booking checkout enable.png

Activate public bookings for resources

A resource must have bookings enabled and its privacy settings set to Full Access/Public for it to be available on the Public Checkout page.

  1. Go to Settings > Platform Modules > Resource Types and click on the resource type in the Resource Types grid.

  2. In the Edit Resource Type dialog, ensure the Can Book option is enabled to make it available for booking.

  3. Select the Book Time option from the drop-down menu, which will be presented to non-members when booking.

  4. Click Update.

edit rsrs.png

Next, change the resource's privacy settings:

  1. Go to Space and click a resource from the list of resources.

  2. In the Edit dialog, open the Calendar tab and:

    • Select a Resource Rate from the drop-down menu to control the booking charges for the resource.

    • Set the Privacy setting to Full Access/Public.

  3. Click Update.

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