With OfficeRnD Flex, you can purchase a Branded Apps package and fully white label the members portal. By default, when you enable the OfficeRnD Flex members portal, it is hosted at the following address https://<yourorganizationname>.officernd.com. With the Branded Apps package, you can choose to move the members portal to a custom domain such as members.mydomain.com.
If your subscription doesn't include the Branded Apps package, contact us at sales@officernd.com.
Move Your Members' Portal to a Custom Domain
In order to move the OfficeRnD Flex members portal to your own custom domain, you need to:
Decide on a subdomain where you'd like to host the members portal. As an example, the subdomain address should be similar to members.mydomain.com.
Add a CNAME record for the subdomain and make sure it points to app.officernd.com.
A Canonical Name or CNAME record is a type of DNS record that maps an alias name to a true or canonical domain name. CNAME records are typically used to map a subdomain such as members.mydomain.com to the domain hosting that subdomain’s content, which in our case is app.officernd.com.
If you haven't done this before, you can follow the next set of steps:
Sign in to your domain host. If you don’t remember who your domain host is, search your email archives for billing records about the registration or transfer of your domain name. If you can’t find your billing records, you can search for your domain host online. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a non-profit organization that collects domain information. Use the ICANN Lookup tool to find your domain host and look under the Registrar Information section as the registrar is usually your domain host.
Navigate to your domain management portal and find the domain’s DNS records. If you're struggling with this task, you can search through the help portal of your domain host for specific steps you can follow.
Add a record to your DNS settings, selecting CNAME as the record type.
In the Label or Host field enter your subdomain - e.g members.mydomain.com
In the Destination/Target field enter app.officernd.com.
Send us an email at support@officernd.com containing the following information:
The name of your organization in OfficeRnD.
The subdomain name where you would like your member portal to be hosted.
Next Steps
Our team will follow up on your email and let you know once your domain is available. It may take up to 24 hours for us to complete the setup.