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[Flex] Import One-off Fees
Updated over 2 months ago

To import fees, go to Settings > Data & Extensibility > Import and click on the Fees tab. You can also import fees by navigating to Community/Fees and clicking on Import fees.


The import process takes the following steps:

1. Fill in and upload a .CSV file with the data you want to import.

2. Choose the date format, locations, more options, and customer identification options if needed.

3. Validate the data and/or match the columns from the .CSV files with the ones in OfficeRnD.

4. Review the import summary and finish importing.

What information should I enter to import fees?

It's best if you download our Template and fill in the columns, but if you already have the information in a different spreadshet, you can use that and match the columns in OfficeRnD during the import process.

The main columns that you can fill out are the following:

  • Email - email of the member or company to which the fee is going to be assigned.

  • Company - name of the company to which the fee is going to be assigned. If you do not enter a company and only a member, then the fee is going to be associated only with the member.

  • Member - name of the member to which the fee is going to be assigned. If you do not enter a member and only a company, then the fee will be associated with the company alone.

  • Location - the location to which the fee is going to be assigned.

  • Date - the date when the fee occurred. Please use one of the following date formats:

    • YYYY-MM-DD

    • DD/MM/YYYY

    • MM/DD/YYYY

  • Name - the name, which is going to be used for the fee. If no name is set, the name of the plan will be used for the name of the fee.

  • Price - the price that is going to be set for the fee. If entered, it will override the price of the plan. If left empty, the default price of the plan will be used.

Note: Make sure the number isn't formatted with commas or dots, otherwise the imported value will be incorrect.

  • Plan - the billing plan that is going to be used for the fee. If no billing plan is entered, the fee will be associated with the default One-off fee revenue account.

  • Quantity - the quantity of the fee. If left empty, the system will count it as a single fee.

Note: If the Make 'Product' a required field opion is enabled in Settings/Billing Rules, the Plan column in the fee import will be mandatory. If you haven't, you'd be able to import it without a plan specified in the import.

After you create your sheet file with all of the necessary data, you'll be able to upload it using the Upload CSV button. Upon uploading, the system will check for any inconsistencies and you will be unable to continue until the errors have been resolved.

What should I do after I upload the file?

1. Choose the date format from which OfficeRnD will parse the dates

First, you'll have to select the date format used in your .CSV file to help OfficeRND set the dates of the fees correctly. This is extremely important, because if the format is not set correctly, the fees could be imported with the wrong dates.

For example if you're using either DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY, the date format needs to be chosen appropriately. Otherwise, the day and month of a fee may be switched around.


2. Choose the locations from which OfficeRnD will match customers

Choosing a location is optional. By default, customers from all locations are matched. You can select more than one location if you need to.


Selecting a location is important in certain cases, and it's best explained with an example:

Let's say that you have Location 1 and Location 2. In both locations, you have a member/company with the same name/email. If you upload a file for the member in Location 1 and try to validate it, it will color the whole line in red with an error message "Multiple Customers Found With Name: ****".

If you choose the location of the correct customer with this selector, it will only look into this location to match and will not throw an error.

If you have duplicating customers in different locations and try to import their fees, you will encounter the error mentioned above. The only solution will be to move the problematic customer fees in a separate import file just for the correct location. To prevent this error, avoid having customers with duplicating identifiers.

3. (optional) Use available credits from customer accounts

The 'Use available credits from customer accounts' option deducts credits from the company account for fees that can be paid via credits, e.g. printing fees.

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4. (optional) Customer Identifiers

By default, OfficeRND imports use the email as the unique identifier when uploading a fee.
This means that even if you don't enter a name for the member, you'll still be able to import a fee for a member with a specific email address.

However, if you'd like to use another value as an unique identifier, you can click Change unique identifier under Customer Identification.


This will allow you to match one of the columns in your file to a column in OfficeRnD, which is going to serve as an unique identifier, e.g a custom property. Learn more about custom properties.

If you decide that you don't want to set another unique identifier, you can click Revert to default to use the default identifier.

5. Match Columns

In the bottom of the import page you'll be able to see two rows of columns:

The first row displays the default columns in OfficeRnD. The second row displays the columns of the uploaded file. You can match your columns to the columns in OfficeRnD to make sure that the data from your columns is going to be used in the default OfficeRnD column.

If there are any errors or inconsistencies in the data, the system will display a warning and will not let you continue. You'll be able to see a description of the problem either on the row that's problematic or on the whole column. You can change the mapping and click Validate to verify the new data, or click Upload new file and go from there.


After clicking Continue, you'll be able to see a short review of the number of fees you're going to import. You'll also be able to save a preset for future imports.

6. Save a preset

Before completing an import, you'll be able to save a preset. This means that the next time you're uploading a file for import, you can select any presets that you've saved under Choose a matching preset. That way any previously matched columns will be automatically set to how they were during that particular import.

save pres csv.png

7. Finalize Import

To finalize the import, you can click the Import button. After that, the system will start importing all of the relevant data and will notify you once the process has been completed.

import again.png

All of the imports that have been completed recently will appear in OfficeRnD. If they were successful, they'll have a Completed tag next to them.

If they weren't, they'll have a Pending tag. You'll be able to click on the cogwheel next to them and either select Continue to continue with the import, or Delete if you'd like to remove it.

Clicking the name of the file will also allow you to continue with the import.

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