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Set Up Revenue Targets
Updated over 3 months ago

In the Space management module, you can set revenue targets for your spaces in OfficeRnD at three levels:

  1. Location

  2. Floor

  3. Resource

Targets set at a higher level override those below it. For example:

  • A floor target overrides any resource targets within the floor.

  • A location target overrides both floor and resource targets.

Set resource targets

You can assign targets to individual resources, such as desks or private offices. Resource targets include the type of product suitable for the resource and the target price (if different from the plan price).

  1. Go to the Space module and find the resource you want to edit.

  2. Select the cogwheel next to the resource and select Edit.

  3. Set the Target property and save your changes.

OfficeRnD automatically calculates the floor and location targets by summing up the resource targets.


Set floor targets

You can also set monthly revenue targets at the floor level.

  1. Go to the Space module.

  2. Select the cogwheel next to the floor or location.

  3. Select Edit.

  4. Enter the monthly target in the Target field and save your changes.

When you set floor targets, the location's monthly target will be calculated as the sum of all floor-level targets.


Set location targets

You can set monthly revenue targets at the location level for broader tracking.

  1. Go to the Space module.

  2. Select a location to open its settings.

  3. Open the Billing & Revenue tab.

  4. Set the monthly target and define the period it applies to.

  5. Save your changes.

add loc bill.png

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