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[Flex] Send Messages to Members in Your Space
[Flex] Send Messages to Members in Your Space
Updated over 2 months ago

OfficeRnD allows you to send messages to individual members of the space. They will receive messages in their Members Portal and/or mailbox. All exchanged messages will be recorded to keep track of the conversations.

Sending Messages as an Admin

As an Admin, you can send messages by navigating to Collaboration/Messages and clicking on the Send Message button. The following dialog will appear:

add messg.png

To - The To field dropdown menu offers three options to pinpoint the recipients with a clear indication of their number:

  • All contacts - send the message to all contacts.

  • Filtered group of contacts - filter by Location, Status, and Plan. The system will also show you the number of people receiving the message after filtering.

  • Specific contacts - select by name. You can select multiple members.


Send an email - if the box is checked, the system will also email the contacts as long as they have an email in their member profile.


Sending Messages as a Member

You can allow your members to communicate with each other with the Messages functionality. To enable this, go to Settings > Member Apps > Member Pages and scroll down until you find Messages.

Once activated, it will become available to all of your active members (please see our article on member statuses to find out what members are active).

Each member will have a tab called Messages in the Members Portal. Here, they can see all messages sent to them and compose one as well.

Messages here can be sent to one member only. Click on New Message and type the name of the member to whom you're writing.


Note: The Also Send as mail option will only work if the recipient has an email in the system. However, this will not stop them from receiving a message in the members portal.


I sent out a message from the Admin Portal to a member. The member can answer via email but not via the member portal. What is the reason for this?

Because there's nobody to reply to, the message intentionally comes from the space, not a specific admin. The messages in the admin can only be used to send notifications to people; they cannot be used for chat. The email itself comes from the General inbox configured for the space/location, not the admin's email that sent the message. Replying to it will go to the inbox according to the email settings.

If an admin wanted to communicate with a member one-on-one, would they send an email outside the platform or via the member apps?

They can send the message via the member portal. This way, they will communicate as members do with each other. But there's no record of this communication outside the member's profile in the portal. Use tickets if you want to have access to a record.

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