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Order Policies
Updated over 3 months ago


Order policies allow admins to configure ordering rules for Active and Non-Active members and apply them to Stores. You can choose Name and Preparation Time for Active and Non-active Members.

Create Your Order Policy Through the Admin Portal

Order policies can be created and configured from Settings/Platform Modules/Food & Beverages.

add pol.png

There, admins can set up:

  • The Name of the policy.

  • Preparation Time - Define the preparation time in Minutes or Hours.

  • Member Rule - Define if the preparation time for active and non-active members is different.


How to Assign an Order Policy to a Store

Once created, the Order Policy could be linked to a Store from Billing & Products/Stores.

  1. Click on a store and open the Advanced tab.

  2. Select your order policy:


Member Portal

When an Order Policy is associated with a Store, the implications on the member experience are:

  • Members and Non-members are able to order F&B from the Marketplace or add Catering only if the order respects the defined preparation time.

Note: Preparation time is applied only to Delivery and Catering ordering methods and is NOT applied to the Pickup option. The Pickup method allows members to choose to pick up time from 30 min time slots but not less than 15 min from the moment of creating a Pickup Order.

  • Stores that are not available for ordering are displayed with an error message and would be read-only. Members can see the Stores and the available goods but won’t be able to purchase any items.

  • No matter the preparation time rule, people won’t be able to place orders outside of the store’s working hours.

Example Use Cases

Below are some specific use cases and what is the expected result from applying the preparation time order rule.

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