You can charge customers to use your resources. Often, you give credits or discounts to members and charge them when they exceed the pre-limited number of booking hours. You must create a Resource Rate to associate a charge with a resource.
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Before you start
If you want to add extras to the Resource Rate, verify you have created one-off fees for each extra. Learn how to set up a Billing Plan →
Verify you have an account associated with the Resource Rate. Learn how to set up an account →
Add a daily Resource Rate
To add a daily Resource Rate, go to Billing & Products > Resource Rates, click Add Rate and select "Daily Rate".
In the Add Daily Rate dialog, configure the following:
Name – Set a meaningful name to represent the Resource Rate.
(Optional) Unique code - set a unique code to serve as a unique identifier of the Resource Rate. It can be used in invoice exports to find detailed information for all invoiced line items with the respective unique codes. In the export, this field is displayed as "ItemCode."
Select the payment method:
Customers can pay using Coins/Credits or, if they don't have any, using your organization's default currency.
Customers can pay with Day Passes. One Day Pass always equals exactly one full day. Even if the booking is for a half-day, still a full Day Pass will be used.
Set the price:
Price per day – Set a price for full-day bookings. A daily rate is always 24 hours.
Price per week – Set a price for one-week-long bookings. A weekly rate is always
7 days * 24 hours = 168 hours
.Price per month - Set a price for one-month-long bookings. A monthly rate is always
30 days * 24 hours = 720 hours
.Price per half-day over the weekend – Set a price per half-day on weekends. Use this field when you must charge members differently when they book Meeting Rooms over the weekend.
Price per day over the weekend – Set a price per day during weekends. Use this field when you must charge members differently when they book Meeting Rooms over the weekend.
Click Add Rate to add more pricing variations. Remember that the system always uses the lowest price in a given situation.
(Optional) Description - set a description for the Resource Rate.
(Optional) Extras – Select extras to be included in the Resource Rate. Members can purchase any available extras when booking a Meeting Room associated with the Resource Rate.
Open the Advanced tab and configure the following:
Account - Select the Revenue Account with which you want to associate the charges. Usually, that would be the default Booking Fees account.
Cancellation - Select the Cancellation Policy for the Resource Rate. Read more.
Booking Policy - Select a booking policy to apply a maximum booking duration and approval rules and enable/disable recurring bookings. Read more.
Tip: The system needs an hourly rate to calculate bookings that last less than half a day, so we recommend always applying an hourly rate for Meeting Rooms. An exception to this rule can be event spaces where hourly bookings aren't allowed.