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Modifiers & Modifier Groups
Updated over 3 months ago


Modifiers and Modifier Groups provide the option to further customize F&B Ordering in the Marketplace offered via the OfficeRnD member tools.

Modifier Groups

Modifier Groups allow admins to group modifiers together and assign them to Goods. They are found in Billing & Products/Products/Goods/Modifier Groups tab. Modifier Groups are available for Goods only after the F&B Ordering Setting is enabled. Learn more about that here.


The Add Modifier Group modal has the following fields:

  • Name: defines how the Group will be presented to members in the Members Portal.

    Example: If there is Pizza on the menu and members are allowed to pick from various cheese options the Modifier Group could be named “Cheese”.

  • ​Internal Name: used if the setup requires 2 or more groups to have the same Name and admins need to differentiate them in another way. This won't be visible to members.

  • Type: The type of the group defines the type of modifiers that could be associated with it.

    • Size

    • Add-on: Represents a Yes/No type of modifier that is presented as a checkbox to the member. The member can choose to either include it or not. The default value is No.

      • Min. <> Max. limit: the field defines the total number of modifiers from the group that members would be allowed to select.

        Example: If we set a limit between 0 and 2 and there are 5 modifiers added to the group, members would be able to pick up to 2 of them.

    • Multiple quantities: Represent a quantity picker that allows members to choose a particular quantity of all modifiers included in the group.

      • Min. <> Max. limit: the field defines the total quantity of modifiers from the group that members would be allowed to select. For this type of group, the limit is shared between all modifiers in the group.

        Example: If we set a limit between 0 and 3 and there are 5 modifiers added to the group, members would be able to pick up to 2 of them.

    • Description: А field which is visible only in the Admin panel and allows admins to add additional notes to each modifier group.


​Unlimited Modifiers can be assigned to one Modifier Group as long as all of them are from the same type. The modifiers can be a mix of free and paid ones. Also, Modifier Groups can be assigned to multiple Goods.


Modifiers allow admins to create specific offerings that could be added to modifier groups and presented to members as additional F&B. You can find the Modifiers tab in Billing & Products/Products/Goods/. Keep in mind that the Modifiers are available only for Goods.

​The main purpose of the Modifiers is to be assigned to a Modifier Group (e.g. modifiers - regular, skim & soy - assigned to modifier group Milk options). ​Also, they can be assigned to more than one Modifier Group.

Modifiers and Modifier Groups can also be shared across multiple Goods. What's important here is that they don’t create fees. Their price is added to the price of the Goods instead.


The Add Modifier modal has the following fields:

  • ​Namе: defines how the modifier will be presented to members in the Members Portal.

  • Internal Name: used if the setup requires 2 or more modifiers to have the same Name and admins need to differentiate them in another way. It's not visible for members.

  • Price: Modifiers can be either free or paid. The price is optional.

  • Description: - the description is also optional.

  • Modifier Type

    • ​Sizе: single-choice, the modifiers from this type override the price.

    • Add-on: single or multiple-choice, If paid - the price is added on top of the Goods price

    • Multiple Quantities: allow the customer to choose multiple items of the same modifier. If paid, the price is added on top of the Goods price.

  • Modifier Group: choose the group for this modifier.


Assigning Modifiers to Goods

Admins can assign Modifiers to Goods from the Modifier Groups tab in the Add/Edit Goods dialog in Billing & Products/Products/Goods/. Note that Goods can have multiple Modifier Groups, but only one group of type SIze.

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