Booking Coins are credits that hold monetary value and can be used to pay for services. By default, one coin equals one unit of your organization's currency, such as USD. However, this value can be adjusted based on your organization's settings.
Change coin value: To adjust the monetary value of a coin, go to
Settings> Platform Modules > Credits.
Usage limitation: Members cannot use coins directly in the Member Portal. Only admins can assign coins to cover specific fees.
How to manually add coins to a specific member or company
Coins can be added manually to a member's or company's profile, similar to booking credits, by following these steps:
Open a member or a company's profile.
Scroll down to Booking Credits and click Add Credits.
Select "coins" from the hours drop-down menu.
After that, you can specify the amount, whether they're issued once or monthly, the resources for which they're valid, and the start and end date.
Once – The company or its members can use their coins until they are used up. These coins have no expiration date.
Month – These coins are renewed monthly (following the use-it-or-lose-it principle). You can set an end date to indicate to the system when they should be revoked.
You can refer to our booking credits article for more information here.
Coins are always associated with the company. If added to a member's profile, they will reflect on the company profile.
Avoid adding excessive coins outside a Billing Plan to prevent manual adjustments later.
How to add coins to a membership
You can automatically allocate coins to a member or company through a membership:
Go to Billing & Products
> Plans and open a Billing Plan.
Open the Credits tab.
Click the + sign, click hours, and select "coins".
Specify the number of coins (or leave the first field empty to add unlimited coins) and applicable resources for the membership.
How to review and delete coins
To review and delete coins after they've been added to a member's or a company's profile:
Open the profile of the member or company.
Click the cogwheel
next to the coin entry and select Edit.
In the dialog that opens:
Review who created the coins and when.
Delete the coins.
Select Show Removed Credits to see whether any coins have been removed.
Coins used in an active booking cannot be removed directly. You must first update the booking and make it free before removing the coins.
If the coins are removed before the booking is canceled, they will remain unavailable for editing. If you encounter this issue, please contact
What is the transaction log, or credit account log?
The Transaction Log, or the Credit Account Log, allows you to track all issued coins. To access it:
Click the cogwheel next to the coin entry.
Select Transaction Log.
In the transaction log, you can:
View when and by whom coins were added.
Check coin type (manual or automatic from a membership).
Filter transactions by date.
The number of coins Remaining and Used can be seen in the top right corner.
The Ref Date column refers to the beginning of the period for which the coin has been issued, for example, the first day of the month. You can filter by month by clicking the Calendar icon
or remove the filter altogether by clicking the X button
in the text field to view all created coins.