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How to Onboard and Manage New Members and Companies in OfficeRnD
How to Onboard and Manage New Members and Companies in OfficeRnD
Updated over 3 months ago


This article will help you add a new customer either as a company or an individual member. In OfficeRnD you can create company records, individual members, and company team members. Individual members are usually freelancers and members that do not belong to a company.

Tip: If you have a list of existing members, we can import it in OfficeRnD for you. Head over to the Import Members tutorial for more information.

What You'll Need

Onboard a New Member

Adding Company and Company Members

1. Open the Community tab and click Add company.


2. In the dialog that opens, add the company details in the General, Address, and Billing Details tabs. The Name and Location fields in the General tab are mandatory. The rest can be filled in as needed.

  • Name

  • Email

  • URL

  • Twitter

  • More info

  • Start Date

  • Location

3. Click Add.

add company.png

The newly added company's profile page will be opened. Now you can add employees' names and email addresses by clicking on the Add Member button.

Add Individual Members

1. Navigate to Community/Members.

2. Click on Add Member.

members all.png

3. Add the member details in the General, Address, and Billing Details tabs. The Name, Start Date, Location, and Status fields in the General tab are mandatory. The rest can be filled in as needed.

add member dialog.png

Note: Under the Community section, the numbers next to Companies and Members indicate how many active companies and members there are at the moment. A company or member is considered active if there is an active membership assigned to them. Learn more about member/company statuses.

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Add Memberships, One-Off Fees, and Invoices

Navigate to Community and open the profile page of the member. This is where you add their memberships, one-off fees, and invoices.

1. Click Add Membership to assign a reoccurring membership for a private office, desk or a service.

add membership.png

Note: When the added membership starts, the system will label the member as an 'Active' member. The membership plan will be added to the member's regular recurring invoice each month. Under Community, the number next to Memberships indicates how many active memberships there are at the moment.

2. Click Add Fee to assign a one-off charge, such as a key deposit or printing services. The fee will be added to the first invoice issued after its purchase date and will not be added to regular recurring invoices.

add fee.png

Once a member has memberships and one-off fees added in their profile, you can raise and send their first invoice.

3. Click Add Invoice and populate the Issue Date, Due Date, and the period of the invoice.

add inv.png

Tip: If you want to charge fees immediately and prorate the first month, open Settings/Invoicing and make sure you have set up your prorate and billing segregation settings to your preferences. Learn more.

Update Billing Details

You can find the Billing Details of your companies/members on the left side of their profile page. Scroll down until you reach Billing Details and click on the Edit button to change them.

billing details.png

Add Payment Details

Note: To add, update, or change payment details of a company or a member, you need to set up a payment gateway integration. Learn more.

To add the member payment details on their profile page, click on the Plus button in the right side of the profile page. The steps after are determined by your active payment integration and its settings.

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Manage Members' Payment Details Deletion Option

Navigate to Settings/Platform Modules/Community and you will find the three deletion control options under Members' Payment Details:


Here, you can set a rule to allow or forbid your members to delete all their payment details (a specific type of payment details or all types). If you forbid the deletion of billing details, members won’t be able to remove their last saved payment details from their profile.

In other words - if enabled, your members will be obliged to have at least one remaining kind of payment details in their profile.

  • Members should not be able to delete their last remaining Credit Card - if enabled, members won’t be allowed to delete their last saved Credit Card. This means that it will be required to have at least one credit card saved.

  • Members should not be able to delete their last remaining Bank Account/Direct Debit details - if enabled, members won’t be allowed to delete their last saved bank transfer payment details (used for SEPA, ACH, Bank Transfer), which means that it will be required to have at least one bank transfer payment details saved.

  • Members should not be able to delete their last remaining Payment Details in their account (regardless of the billing details type) - if this option is enabled, members will be obliged to have at least one type of payment details saved in their account - either Credit Details or Bank Account/Direct Debit details.

You cannot enable all three deletion-control options at once. You can:

  • Enable the first, the second, or both of them.

  • Or enable only the third one.

When to Create a Company or an Individual Member?

Depending on your use case, you might prefer different approaches when it comes to the question of what you should create - a member or a company. Here are our tips:

  • We normally recommend that you create companies when the billing isn't going to be done for an individual, but rather for a legal entity.

  • It's best to create a single company and assign multiple members to it, as this will facilitate the management of memberships, invoices, credits, etc. Otherwise, you'll have to check each of these things for every single person.

    We have an option that allows you to set a membership or a fee to be billed directly to the member when there are certain memberships and fees that are assigned to a specific person.

  • If you're not dealing with a large number of clients, you can create a member and then assign them to a company with the same name. We then suggest to issue any invoices and assign memberships directly to the company, instead of billing them to the person, as the person is the company.

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