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[Overview] Invoicing
Updated over 3 months ago

OfficeRnD allows you to create, manage, and send invoices with ease. You can browse all invoices or filter them by their status: paid, overdue, or failed. The system supports both manual and automated invoice generation.

This article explains the invoicing processes in OfficeRnD.

Manually add an invoice

  1. Go to Billing & Products > Invoices and click Add Invoice.

    add inv1.png
  2. In the Add Invoice dialog, you can configure the invoice details:

    • To – Select the member to issue the invoice to. All relevant fees and memberships will be included.

    • Number – Enter the invoice number. By default, it is auto-generated based on the invoice number template located in Settings > Billing Settings > Billing Rules in the Invoice number template section.

    • Issue Date – Select the date of issue.

    • Due Date – Select the due date.

    • Payment Method – Select the payment method to be recorded in the invoice payment terms: Auto, Cash, Bank Transfer, or POS.

    • Pay For – Decide whether to include fees, memberships, or both.

  3. Set the period of the membership included in the invoice:

    • Period Start – Select the starting month of the membership period.

    • Pay For – Select the duration of the included memberships in months.

  4. Add additional services (optional):

    • Use the Add button at the bottom of the dialog to include additional services. These services are included in the one-off fees revenue account by default. Find your revenue accounts under Settings > Billing Settings > Revenue Accounts.

  5. Finalize the invoice:

    • Click Add to create the invoice or Add & Send to create and email it to the designated recipient(s). To configure email settings, go to Settings > Billing Settings > Billing Rules and scroll down to the We’ll Email Invoices section.

    • add_invoice_screenshot_2.png

Manage invoices

To manage the invoices, go to

Billing & Products > Billing > Invoices. Here, you will see a list of all invoices, which can be filtered by status (paid, overdue, or failed).

Open an invoice to:

  • Export and download an invoiceLearn how to export invoices →

  • Send an invoice – Click Send to email the invoice to the billing contact.

  • Void an invoice – Marking an invoice as void excludes it from reports, but it remains in the system.

  • Issue a Credit Note – Click Credit Note if you need to return the amount of an existing invoice to its owner. Learn how to issue credit notes →

  • Delete an invoice – If an invoice is not paid or credited back, it can be deleted. However, remember that deleting an invoice removes it from the system, and the invoicing number sequence can be disrupted.

  • Manually add a payment.

Edit invoices

To make changes to an existing invoice:

  1. Click Edit to open the Edit Invoice dialog.

  2. Modify the following invoice details:

    • To – Update the member receiving the invoice. All relevant fees and memberships will be included.

    • Number – Update the invoice number. This field is populated by default using the Invoice number template. To access it, go to Settings > Billing Settings > Billing Rules and find Invoice number template.

    • Issue Date – Update the invoice issue date.

    • Due Date – Update the invoice due date.

    • Payment Method – Update the payment method to be recorded in the invoice payment terms: Auto, Cash, Bank Transfer, or POS.

    • Discount – Apply a discount to the invoice.

  3. Adjust product quantities and discounts if needed.

  4. Click Update to save the changes.

Manually add a payment

Sometimes you might need to enter a payment for an invoice manually. For payments made via cash, cheque, or other offline methods, use the Add manual payment feature:

  1. Click Add manual payment.

  2. Select the payment method: Cash, Bank Transfer, POS, or Cheque.

  3. Enter the payment amount.

  4. (Optional) Under Reference, enter the cheque reference number or another reference to the payment document.

  5. Record the payment date.

  6. Click Add.

Note: If the payment is for the full amount of the invoice, the invoice will automatically be marked as paid.


Understand the invoice period

The invoice period helps clarify the invoice's scope without examining line items. Typically, it aligns with billing and membership periods. However, exceptions include:

  • Manual multi-month invoices: If invoices have been generated manually for several months and memberships are active for the entire period, the invoice period reflects the selected time range.

  • Prorated memberships only: If the invoice contains only prorated memberships, the invoice period only covers the relevant days (for example, if you bill from April 1 to April 30, 2019, and your membership ends on April 15, 2019, the invoice period will cover April 1 to April 15).

  • One-off fees only: If the invoice contains only one-off fees, the invoice period is the minimum period containing all one-off fees (for example, if the invoice includes two fees—one for April 1 and one for April 5—the period will be from April 1 to April 5).

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