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[Overview] Booking Credits

Learn about Booking Credits in OfficeRnD, their functionality, and how they are used for managing Meeting Room bookings.

Updated over 2 months ago

What are Booking Credits?

Booking Credits allow members to book Meeting Rooms based on time, with 1 Booking Credit equal to 1 hour of booking. These credits are exclusively for Meeting Rooms and cannot be used for other resources.

Here are some important details about Booking Credits:

  • They can be allocated through a Billing Plan or directly via the member's profile.

  • Credits can be set to renew monthly or as a one-time allocation without expiration.

  • Credits can be assigned for specific Meeting Rooms.

  • Booking Credits have no monetary value, so they are consumed regardless of whether the booking is free or paid.


  • Once members use all their credits, they will be charged the standard Resource Rates for additional bookings.

  • Members cannot use Booking Credits directly to purchase services from the Member Portal. Only an admin can apply credits to a fee.

When are Booking Credits used?

Booking Credits are deducted in the following scenarios:

  • When a member books a Meeting Room using:

    • The public calendar.

    • The calendar in the Member Portal.

    • The OfficeRnD mobile app.

  • When a member has credits that apply to the booked Meeting Room.

Tip: Consider offering members a Resource Rate discount for Meeting Rooms after they use all their credits. Learn more about Resource Rate discounts →

Booking Credit statuses




Booking Credits expired or are no longer available for the specific period.


All credits have been used by the member.


Credits are currently available and can be used for bookings.


Credits are awaiting renewal (for example, during monthly resets).

Assign Booking Credits via Billing Plans

You can automate Booking Credit allocations using Billing Plans. This process is suitable when the number of credits is consistent for all customers purchasing a specific plan.

To assign Booking Credits via Billing Plans:

  1. Go to Billing & Products > Plans and select a Billing Plan such as Hotdesk or Private Office.

    • The plan type determines how credits are allocated:

      • One-off plans: Credits do not expire and roll over to the next period if unused.

      • Monthly recurring plans: Credits reset each month (use-it-or-lose-it).

  2. In the Edit Plan dialog, open the Credits tab and click the button.

  3. Enter the number of Booking Credits to allocate. Leaving the field empty allocates unlimited credits.

  4. Specify the Resources and Resource Rates the credits apply to.

  5. Click Update.


  • When a membership ends, credits associated with that membership will be automatically canceled.

  • Credits are shared among all company members: OfficeRnD assigns the total number of credits (X) to the company, and they are accessible to all company members. The number of members does not affect the total credit allocation, meaning the credits are not multiplied by the number of employees.

Assign Booking Credits to a company or member's profile

Use this manual process to assign Booking Credits when the amount varies by customer.

To assign Booking Credits to a company or a member:

  1. Go to Community > Companies or Members and open a company or member profile.

  2. In the Credits section, click Add Credits.

  3. Enter the number of credits to allocate.

  4. Choose the credit type:

    • Once: Credits do not expire and remain until used.

    • Month: Credits renew monthly. If not used, they are lost (use-it-or-lose-it). You can set an end date to indicate when the monthly credit renewal will end.

  5. Select the Resources and Resource Rates to which the credits apply.

  6. Click Add.

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