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Setting Up a Marketplace - Catering, Goods, Stores
Setting Up a Marketplace - Catering, Goods, Stores
Updated over 3 months ago


The OfficeRnD Marketplace lets Members browse Stores through the Members Portal and mobile app to purchase goods and services.

F&B Ordering is a Premium feature that can be activated by the OfficeRnD Sales team. Please reach out to

Activate The Feature

If your subscription includes this feature, Admins can activate it manually.

1. Navigate to Settings/Platform Modules/Food & Beverages.

2. Enable the F&B Ordering checkbox and click on the Update button:

fb ordering.png

As an Admin, you will be able to:

  • Create & Manage Goods, Stores, and Orders from Billing & Products.

  • Create & Manage Orders and Order Statuses from the Member and Company profile pages.

Enable Orders In Members Portal

You can create Goods & Orders and activate the Marketplace page in the Members Portal so that members will be able to place orders.

To do this, navigate to Settings/Member Apps/Member Pages and enable F&B Ordering.

fb ordering.png

Then, Members will be able to:

  • Purchase Goods from the Marketplace.

  • See placed Orders.

  • Place catering Orders related to bookings.

Create Goods

Goods are a Billing Plan type that lets Admins define and manage products (Food, Beverages, etc.) to be sold by Stores in the Marketplace. Which Goods are to be sold in which Stores is specified during Store creation (and can be changed later on).

To add Goods, navigate to Billing & Products/Products/Goods and click on the Add Goods button:

add goods.png

A window with the following tabs and options will appear:

General tab

  • Product type - This is always Goods.

  • Photo - Click to upload a photo.

  • Name - Enter a Name and (optional) Unique code.

  • Price - Enter the Price (in the default or one of the supported currencies).

  • Description - Enter an optional description.

  • Stores - Choose which Stores will carry the product after its creation. You can learn more about the creation of Stores below.


Billing tab

Here, you can select the Revenue Account from the drop-down menu. You can also enable Price Markup. Once enabled, you can enter the exact markup percentage in the numeric field.


You can learn more about Revenue Accounts and Price Markups from the linked articles.

Modifier Groups tab

This tab lets you include the product in one or more Modifier Groups. Learn more about Modifiers and Modifier Groups here.


Member Apps tab

The Privacy section in the Member Apps tab has several product availability options:

  • Available for drop-in users - Drop-in users (occasional users and former companies in the space who purchased at least one One-off Service) will be able to buy the product from the Members portal.

  • Available for members - Active members (either Contact person or All active members) will be able to purchase the product from the Members portal.


Below the Privacy section, there are three fields:

  • Link - Lets you enter a URL for the product.

  • Category - Lets you choose Categories for the product. Categories are created by navigating to Billing & Products/Categories.

  • Tags - Lets you add tags to the product. Tags are shown in the product's Goods card inside the Marketplace.

Additional functionality

You can Edit or Delete Goods by clicking on the cogwheel to the right of each product:


You can also export all available Goods (in .CSV file format) from the Export button (1). In the Export goods window, click the Download CSV (2) button to download the file on your computer.


You can also Search and Filter the list of Goods by Category. Use the Search field (1) to enter search items and the Filters (2) button to select filters.


Create Stores

Stores allow Spaces to offer Goods from multiple vendors per Location. Stores can also offer Catering for Bookings.

While regular Stores appear in the Marketplace page of the Members portal, Catering stores are only visible when ordering Catering for a Booking. This behavior can be configured during and after the Store creation process.

Stores are created and managed by navigating to Billing & Products/Products/Stores.


Here, the stores are listed alphabetically and Admins can Create, Edit, or Delete them. Use the Search field to search the list of Stores, and click on the cogwheels next to each Store to Edit or Delete them.

To create a Store, click the Add Store button to open the Add Store window. The Add Store window is organized in the following tabs:

General tab


The General tab has the following fields and options:

  • Name - Enter the Store name.

  • Logo and Cover Photo - Click the Upload buttons to upload store graphics which will be shown in the Marketplace.

  • Description - Enter an optional store description which will be shown in the Marketplace.

  • URL - Enter the Store URL (if needed).

  • Email - Enter the Store email for contact (if available).

  • Phone - Enter a phone number for contact (if available).

  • Business hours - Define the Store's business hours.

  • Timezone - Choose the Store's timezone from the drop-down menu.

  • 'Is Open' checkmark - Classifies the store as operational and any of its data can be used for analytics.

  • 'Available for Catering' checkmark - This will hide the Store from the Marketplace and the Store will only offer Catering for Bookings. Note that the Store must be able to make deliveries to the booking location.

Delivery Methods tab


The following delivery method settings are available from the Delivery Methods tab in the Add Store and Edit Store windows:

  • Pickup - Enables a pickup option for the Store. You must enter the pickup address in the neighboring Address tab. This is where members will be able to pickup their orders.

  • Delivery - To be enabled when the Store offers delivery of goods to Private Offices, Desks, and other resource types.

  • Locations - The Locations field lets Admins determine the locations to which the Store offers delivery and/or pickup.

  • Resource types - When Delivery is enabled, this field lets Admins choose which Resource types (offices, desks, meeting rooms, etc.) can have Goods delivered. Note that these resource types apply only for delivery.

As an Admin, you can also Create and Change Status for Orders by navigating to Community/Orders. Click here to learn more.

Tip: Click here to see how the ordering process looks from a member's perspective.

Address tab


This tab is where you fill out the physical address of the Store. This is required for Stores offering the Pickup option.

Advanced tab


Here, you can select a default Order policy for order preparation time. Order Policies are created and modified from Settings/Platform Modules/Orders. Learn more about Order Policies here.

Products tab


This tab is available in the Edit Store window. It displays a list of all Goods added to the Store, along with their Category, Price, and Availability toggles. Note that if one Good is present in several categories, it will be displayed under each category.

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