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Personal Day Passes

Learn how to assign, manage, and use Personal Day Passes in OfficeRnD for individual members, separate from shared company passes.

Updated over 2 months ago

Personal Day Passes in OfficeRnD allow workspace operators to offer individual members the ability to purchase and use Day Passes independently of their company or team. These passes are unique to the members they are assigned to and cannot be shared with others in the organization.

On the other hand, Shared Day Passes are accessible to the entire organization. When both types of passes are available, personal day passes are always used first.

Adding Personal Day Passes

There are several ways to add Personal Day Passes in OfficeRnD:

  • From the Company profile page: Add Shared Day Passes for the company or Personal Day Passes for specific members.

  • From a Member’s profile: Assign Personal Day Passes directly to individual members.

  • Through One-off Fees or Memberships: Incorporate Day Passes into Billing Plans.

Each method is outlined below.

From the Company profile page

  1. Go to Community > Companies and open the desired company profile.

  2. Click Add Day Passes.

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In the Add Day Pass dialog:

  • By default, the option is set to Shared Day Passes.

  • Select Personal and use the Select Member field to choose the specific member for whom the passes will be assigned.

  • Click Add to complete the process.

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From the Member’s profile

  1. Open the member’s profile via Community > Members or from the company profile.

  2. Click Add Day Pass.

In the dialog, the Personal option is pre-selected, and the member is automatically set as the pass owner. Click Add to finalize the process.

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With One-off Fees

One-off Fees can be used to assign Day Passes to either a company or an individual member.

  1. Open the relevant Company Profile or Member Profile.

  2. Go to the One-off Fees section and click Add Fee.


When selecting a plan that includes Day Passes, specify:

  • Whether the passes are Shared or Personal.

  • Assign Personal Day Passes to a specific member if applicable.

By default, Shared Day Passes are selected when adding fees to a company profile. Personal Day Passes are automatically selected if fees are added to an individual member's profile.

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Note: When adding a fee to a company profile, Shared day passes are selected by default. To add personal passes, select the member to which the passes will be assigned, then choose Personal.

Tip: You can also add fees from an individual member's profile. In this case, Personal day passes are selected by default.

With Memberships

Day Passes can also be included as part of a membership plan.

  • If assigning a membership to an individual member, you can choose between Shared and Personal passes. By default, the option is set to "Personal".

  • If no member is selected, Shared passes are assigned by default.

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Editing Memberships

  • When editing an invoiced membership - Flex does not allow switching the type of day passes.

  • When editing a non-invoiced membership - Flex will allow switching from Personal to Shared even if a member is selected.


Is it possible to edit personal day passes?

No, Personal Day Passes cannot be edited after they are assigned.

What happens when changing the Company of a Member

  • Shared Day Passes remain with the member’s previous company.

  • Personal Day Passes transfer with the member to their new company.

What happens when changing a team member to an individual member?

  • Shared Day Passes remain with the team.

  • Personal Day Passes are retained by the member in their individual profile.

What happens when merging companies?

  • Shared Day Passes from all merged companies are pooled together under the new company.

  • Personal Day Passes move with their assigned members to the new company.

What if Day Passes have the same start date but different end dates?

  • Passes with the earlier end date will be used first.

  • Passes without an end date are used last.

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