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[Getting Started] Add Revenue Accounts
Updated over a month ago

You can separate your revenue into different accounts to keep better track of it.

Before you start

Please review the following diagram to understand what you need before creating a new Revenue Account and how the different entities relate to each other in the system:

Revenue Accounts – entity relationship diagram

Add a Revenue Account

To add a new Revenue Account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Flex Admin Portal at

  2. Go to Settings > Billing Settings > Revenue Accounts. There, you will find four predefined revenue accounts and the option to add a new one.

  3. Click Add Account.

  4. Enter a Name for the Account.

  5. (optional) Enter a Unique code to be used as an identifiable code for the account.

  6. (optional) Enter a Description for the account.

  7. (optional) Set the Color for the Account, which will appear in an invoice.

  8. Select a Tax Rate (if applicable). Learn more about tax rates.

  9. Click Add to create the account.

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