This article is a guide: to help users understand the three criticality settings for their schedules. These criticality settings can help automate the status of a location by changing its red/green status.
Warning: Criticality settings can only be applied to calendar schedules. A continuous schedule should never be used for a location that depends on that schedule to be considered safe for operation.
Criticality settings were introduced to help users define how and when locations should be ‘ready for operation’ versus not.
The criticality settings available are:
A criticality setting of Always defines that if the checklist(s) applied with the Always criticality is available, the location will become red and NOT ready for operation.
Once all applicable checklists are submitted, pending other compliance settings and schedules, the location will be marked as Ready for Operation and turn green.
This is useful in instances where you may have daily inspection or operations checklists that need to be done prior to opening the location.
When overdue
The When overdue setting is used in conjunction with the Allow grace period setting found by clicking the Configure Patterns icon on the specific schedule.
The location will not turn red if the initial time duration of the pattern has passed but the grace period is still active. Once the grace period has passed, the location will then turn red.
When Missing
When missing criticality allows locations to remain green (pending there are no active Always schedules or missing results) up until the end duration of a pattern or ad-hoc schedule.
This is useful in instances where you may have a weekly, monthly, or annual inspection checklist that should not immediately turn the location red once the checklist is active, but rather, only when that checklist is missing.