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How can I create & share Payroll Statements / Salary Annexe
How can I create & share Payroll Statements / Salary Annexe

During every tax season, your employees may need to present payroll statements to the authorities. Generate and share them directly in Ledgy.

James Seely avatar
Written by James Seely
Updated over 5 months ago

1. Upload a document template or use Ledgy's template

  • Use this guide to add the correct variables to your template, or download and use Ledgy's own salary annexe template below.

  • Go to Documents > Templates > Upload Template

  • Upload the template into the Template File box (must be ".docx" format), name it, and click Add template

2. Generate Payroll Statement

  • Go to Documents > Templates > Generate from template

  • Select the date you'd like to set (will use all data up until this date)

  • Select the template you set up in Step 1

  • Add the stakeholders you'd like to generate the Payroll Statement for (either individually or by Group).

  • Click the checkbox if you'd like to share the Payroll Statement with stakeholders, this will immediately make it visible in their Documents section.

  • Hit Create, the Payroll Statements will then all be visible in the Ledgy Data Room and shared with the selected stakeholders

3. Miscellaneous

  • You can check the data that will be filled into the 'Settlement' section of the Payroll Statement by looking at Ledgy's Exercised and Settled report, within Operational Reports

    • To access this go to Reporting > Operational > Exercised and Settled

  • FMV (Fair Market Value) entered in an exercise transaction is used to calculate the total taxable gain variable

  • The calculation is as follows: Total FMV at Exercise = Exercised * (FMV - exercise price) - Tax obligations (if applicable)

  • FMV can be added to historic exercise transactions via the Bulk Edit function on the Transactions page

    • To do this go to Ownership > Transactions > Bulk edit > select the Equity Settlement template > Download transaction file

    • Enter in the FMV and reupload the updated excel file into the Bulk edit modal

4. An example of a Payroll Statement

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