The plant labels can be customised to suit your needs or turn them off altogether.
Hide or show labels on new plants
You can opt to show or hide labels of any new plants added to your plan.
Click on the Settings cog in your plan's toolbar.
Click on the Profile tab.
Scroll down to the Plants section and select or de-select Add Labels to New Plants (or Add Labels to New SFG Plants if you're using the Square Foot Gardening method).
Scroll down and click Save Profile Settings
Change your plant label
You can opt to show either the plant name or the name of the variety as the plant's label. This will only apply to new plants added to your plan, not plants already on your plan.
Click on the Settings cog in your plan's toolbar.
Click on the Profile tab.
Scroll down to the Plants section. Select or de-select the Use Plant Variety as Default Label checkbox. Deselecting this box will display the plant's name as the label for any new plants you add.
Scroll down and click Save Profile Settings.
Change the size of all plant labels
To change the size of all plant labels, click on the Settings cog in your plan's toolbar.
Click on the Profile tab.
Click on the Label Font Size drop-down menu and choose the size you need.
Scroll down and click Save Profile Settings.
Any questions? Chat to us!
Click on the Live Chat icon in the Garden Planner if you need help or have questions for our gardening experts.