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Subscription prices

Find out how much an annual, 1-year and 2-year subscription costs in your currency

Updated over a week ago

The Garden Planner offers a 7 day free trial (for which no payment details are required), and if you then choose to subscribe our subscription options are as follows:

Annual recurring subscription:

  • GBP £24.97 per year / USD $34.97 per year / EUR €29.97 per year / AUD $46.97 per year / CAD $42.97 per year / ZAR R539 per year

One-off (non-recurring) 1 year access:

  • GBP £35.00 / USD $50.00 / EUR €42.00 / AUD $66.00 / CAD $60.00 / ZAR R760.00

One-off (non-recurring) 2 year access:

  • GBP £60.00 / USD $85.00 / EUR €72.00 / AUD $112.00 / CAD $102.00 / ZAR R1300.00

An annual subscription is a recurring subscription that will automatically charge your card or account each year, it can be cancelled at any time.

If you choose a 1-year or 2-year subscription we will not hold your payment details on file, so if you wish to resubscribe in the future you will need to provide your card details again.

The Garden Planner is packed with features to help you organize your garden for maximum productivity, save time, and even save money:

Time-saving tools such as automatically calculating plant spacings so you can quickly see how many plants you can grow in the space you have.

Garden Planner raised bed with brassicas

Plan your sowing and planting efficiently with our planting calendar and twice-monthly email planting reminders for plants in your plans, personalized to your garden’s location.

Garden Planner Plant List calendar

Crop rotation warnings to help avoid a build-up of soil-borne pests and diseases, maximizing your garden’s health and productivity. No need to keep track of all the different plant families - the Garden Planner does this for you!

Garden Planner crop rotation warnings

Make the most productive use of your space using the Succession Planting tool which enables you to see when plants will be growing, and when and where you have space to grow more.

Garden Planner in-ground dates

The handy Companion Planting tool suggests which plants grow best together, based (unlike most companion planting advice!) on scientific evidence.

Garden Planner Companion Planting tool

Smart plant filters to help you choose crops that will grow well in your garden’s conditions.

The Garden Journal enables you to schedule and record tasks, as well as adding notes and photos of your garden to help you to learn about your garden and find out what works well and what doesn't by keeping track in your Journal History.

Garden Planner recording task in Journal

Access to all upgrades to the Garden Planner automatically, as soon as they’re released.

Garden Planner upgrades and bug fixes

Any questions? Chat to us!

Click on the Live Chat icon in the Garden Planner if you need help or have questions for our gardening experts.

Garden Planner - Live chat

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