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How to turn plant labels on or off

Show or hide plant labels on your plan

Updated over 4 months ago

Turn on plant labels for new plants

Click on Settings (the cog icon) in your plan's toolbar.

Garden Planner - Settings

Click on the Profile tab.

Garden Planner profile settings

Select (or de-select) the 'Add labels to new plants' box.

Garden Planner add labels to new plants

Scroll down and click Save Profile Settings.

Garden Planner save profile settings

This will only turn on plant labels for new plants. To display or hide plant labels for plants please follow the directions below.

Turn on plant labels for existing plants

Double-click on a plant on your plan (or click once to highlight it, then click on the Edit Item button in your plan's toolbar).

Garden Planner - Edit item

Select (or de-select) the Show Label box.

Garden Planner show plant label

Click Done.

Garden Planner done button

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Garden Planner - Live chat

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