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Rerunning Files After the SEC Updates the Official 13F list
Rerunning Files After the SEC Updates the Official 13F list
Updated over 4 months ago

Every quarter, the SEC publishes an exhaustive list of securities that are disclosable under section 13F (Official List of Section 13(f) Securities). Our Regulatory team is automatically notified when the SEC publishes an updated version of the Official List, and we aim to update the relevant value set in FundApps as soon as it is made available.

As the list is typically released after quarter-end, it impacts results in FundApps. When the new list is made available in FundApps, clients will have a task on their FundApps dashboard that needs to be reviewed and approved so that the rule runs on the updated 13F list. Furthermore, clients will receive a notification if any properties have been updated.

Once the task has been approved, users should rerun the file for the last working day of the quarter to ensure that the rules are being checked against the most recently updated list. We make the relevant updates in both your production and staging environments so you can rerun your end-of-quarter file in any of them.

How to rerun a file from a specific date:

  1. Navigate to the Admin menu.

  2. Under the Uploads drop-down list, select Previous Uploads.

  3. Click on the recycle icon next to the relevant file.


Please note that it requires Administrator rights to access the Previous Uploads menu.

Note: Please also ensure that you are running on the latest Major: US - 13F rule version.

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